Upgrading your software to comply with the Implementation Guide

In parallel with the developments and the authorisation procedure with the CNDA (if relevant to you), you can upgrade your software so that it meets the requirements of the INS Implementation Guide for software.

07. Upgrading your software to implement the INS

As a software program that does not log identities, you must comply with the requirements of the Implementation Guide tagged as "valid for all software".



The National Identity Security Standard (RNIV)

This standard lists the minimum requirements for user identification that all players in the healthcare sector must meet.

Spécifications techniques pour le datamatrix INS

Le datamatrix INS doit obligatoirement être imprimé sur les supports physiques contenant des données de santé référencées avec l’INS. 

Implementation Guide

This guide, drafted by the ANS, sets out the rules for software publishers defined in the INS standard and in the RNIV.

What you need to know

  • The INS standard, the National Identity Security Standard (RNIV) and the Implementation Guide are legally binding.
  • Audits will be carried out by the end of 2021 to ensure that your software complies with these requirements.
  • Ministerial order of 27 May 2021 approving changes to the "National eHealth ID" standard

Join the publisher webinars or watch the replay

The webinar "Publishers – Deploy the National eHealth ID for your customers” (in French)

Watch the replay


Retours d’expérience

Visionnez le replay de l’émission « Actu #INS » et découvrez les retours d’expérience des premiers éditeurs ayant déployé l’INS chez leurs clients. 

Need help?

If you have any problems, you can send your questions to GIE SESAM-Vitale

Download the entire INS step-by-step guide as well as the checklist summarising all the actions to be taken

Mon parcours guidé INS