Digital DM evaluation: HAS changes its submission platform



Since May 1, 2024 the HAS has been changing to a dematerialized filing platform for MND reimbursement claim files.

A new platform

On May 1, 2024, the HAS opened a new Sésame dematerialized filing platform, for digital medical device reimbursement application files.

The Sésame platform enables centralized processing of the entire evaluation process. Claimants can:

  • deposit digital medical device evaluation application files with the HAS and the Ministry (single deposit);
  • follow up on the processing of applications;
  • exchange with the HAS and the Ministry on the subject of procedures (ask questions, provide clarification or complete a procedure in progress, receive correspondence and documents from the HAS and the Ministry in the course of instruction).

How do I submit my application?

Since May 1, all requests for evaluation of dossiers relating to the list of medical telemonitoring activities (LATM) and dossiers de prise en charge anticipée numérique (PECAN), must be submitted via the Sésame platform. Access the instructions for use.

The former EVATECH filing platform has been closed. Manufacturers with dossiers being processed on this platform have been systematically informed by the HAS of the procedure to follow.