Check if I'm covered by INS

Reading time 5 min

Take few minutes to test if the INS is relevant to you

If you answer "YES" to the 3 questions below, you must implement the INS.

Does my software process personal health data?

  • Please note: the CNIL definition of health data is broad. Be sure to read it before answering.

Find out the definition of health data given by the CNIL:

Does your solution contribute to any of the following missions or activities?

  • User care (hospital, city, telemedicine, etc.)
  • Medical-social follow-up of the person (medical-social establishments and services, coordination,...)
  • Preventive actions

Is your solution used by one or more of the following categories of players?

I am concerned by INS

In order to determine the actions you will need to take to implement INS, you must first identify the nature of your software.

I identify the nature of my software

Need help?

If you have difficulty identifying whether you are concerned by INS, contact GIE SESAM-Vitale at the following address: