I assess compliance with referencing criteria in the dedicated path on the Convergence platform.


  • I have submitted my administrative file on the Convergence platform and my Agreement has been validated by GIE SESAM-VITAL

Our advice

Consult the exhaustive list of referencing criteria here.

To learn more about Convergence, consult all the useful documentation:

05. I assess the maturity level of my solution



I take the referencing path to Mon espace santé in Convergence

  • I fill in the information expected in the Guided My Referencing approach.
  • I complete the orientation questionnaire, which displays the criteria applicable to my solution.
  • In Convergence, information and evidence concerning ethical criteria are expected. To fill them in, you'll need to use the Ecoscore tool. Please note: a technical profile is required to useEcoscore.
  • Once you've completed your questionnaires, you'll need to generate an evaluation file number and apply.

Need help?

For any questions relating to the journey in Convergence, contact the ANS by e-mail: ans-support-convergence@esante.gouv.fr

06. My file is studied



My referencing file is evaluated

  • The team of experts in charge of the evaluation analyzes my referencing file and the proof of compliance.
  • I respond to any requests (requests for additional information, handling of non-conformities).
  • The evaluated service is studied by the referencing commission during which one of the "opinions" is issued: favorable, favorable with non-suspensive reservations, favorable with suspensive reservations, unfavorable

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