I launch sales preparation actions

I can launch sales actions to obtain pre-orders "subject to obtaining my listing"

05. I approach my customers and prospects to obtain orders



I launch my commercial canvassing campaigns

I don't have to wait to be listed with ANS to start my sales efforts.

To speed up the process and save time for manufacturers, the public authorities allow me to launch my commercial canvassing activities from the outset to obtain orders "subject to referencing".

I can use the "practical sheets" available to me to present the Segur Program to my customer, informing them of its prospects and the opportunities it brings. These practical sheets can be downloaded from the ANS website, on the page for my corridor.

I can use the "practical sheets" made available to me to present the Segur Program to my customer, informing them of its prospects and the opportunities it brings.

Practice sheets for General Practice, Biology, Radiology, Hospital and Operators are published.

Please note:
From the order "under the condition of referencing", I have 120 days to bring my proofs of compliance when applying for referencing to the ANS.

Download my complete Référencement Ségur tutorial and summary documents

Mon parcours guidé Ségur numérique