I identify the corridor and type of software that concern me, and learn about the "technical and financial rules of the game".

01. I identify the base documentation that concerns me



I identify the lane(s) I'm interested in. I download the reference documentation for the lane and software I'm applying for.

Go to the ANS Segur page: I choose my corridor, and discover the various associated reference documents.

On the page corresponding to my corridor, I download and read the reference documents:

  • The Requirements Repository, which consolidates all the requirements with which solutions applying for Segur labeling must comply, as well as the compliance scenarios and expected proofs, associated with these requirements.
  • The DSR (Dossiers de Spécifications de Référencement), which sets out the technical and functional requirements to be met to obtain Segur referencing for a solution
  • The Call for Funding, which spells out the administrative and financial terms and conditions, including the funding scales available based on parameters specific to each corridor

Go to the ANS website to find all the information concerning your corridor.

Need help?

Consult the Segur digital FAQs on the ANS website

Ask your questions

Post your questions, access the FAQ and the exchange space between industrialists on the site dedicated to industrialists (ANS)

02. I am aware of the program's milestones



Key referencing and funding dates (wave 1)

For all corridors, see the schedule of wave 1 dates for the end of receipt of referral applications,end of receipt of payment applications (advance),end of receipt of payment applications (balance).

Download my complete Référencement Ségur tutorial and summary documents

Mon parcours guidé Ségur numérique