Launch of the 3rd edition of the call for projects to implement organizational innovations based on digital or technological solutions.



This call for projects aims to support organizational innovations underpinned by the use of digital or technological solutions that help to improve the working conditions of healthcare players and/or the care of patients and users of the healthcare system.

Background to the call for projects

Following two calls for projects launched in 2022 and 2023 and in line with its actions, ARS Île-de-France wishes to "promote access for all Ile-de-France residents to innovations that significantly improve their care, as close to home as possible."

The projects sought must respond to regional strategic orientations such as enabling:

  • To reinforce patients' access to a healthcare pathway (around prevention and care);
  • To alleviate a difficulty in accessing care;
  • To help reduce social and territorial health disparities;
  • To enable healthcare professionals to set up new organizations, cooperative ventures or innovative practices;
  • To facilitate the coordination of players and inter-professional cooperation (delegation of tasks according to protocols validated by the HAS...);
  • To promote training (e.g. simulation, etc.) ;
  • To better involve the patient/user/caregiver in care pathways (patient experience);
  • To innovate in the territories by leveraging technological or digital tools in line with the digital health roadmap, the digital health acceleration strategy (France 2030) and consistent with the orientations and priority themes of the ARS IDF's Projet Régional de Santé(2023 - 2028).

Objectives of the call for projects

This call for projects aims to support organizational innovations underpinned by the use of digital or technological solutions that contribute to improving the working conditions of healthcare players and/or the care of patients and users of the healthcare system.

The use of a new technological or digital solution (Big Data, Medical Devices, CE-marked connected objects etc.) must:

  • Benefit the organization of the experimenting structure (or structures);
  • Contribute to improving the working conditions of healthcare professionals or the care of patients and users of the healthcare system.

Mobilizing organizational and technological innovation as a lever for transformation, priority will be given to the most coordinated and functionally integrated organizations meeting the priorities of the Projet Régional de Santé 3 between:

  • Primary care;
  • Recourse care;
  • Social and medico-social support ;
  • Prevention services;

Who is this appeal aimed at?

The project will have to be led by a "grouping" associating one or more Ile-de-France experimental structure(s) belonging to the following sectors:

  • Health facilities;
  • Medico-social establishments;
  • Legal structures holding a Structure d'Exercice Collectif (Maison de Santé Pluri-professionnel or health center) or a group practice;
  • Associations (such as CPTSs, for example) carrying a territorialized healthcare project;
  • DAC (coordination support devices).

With a provider of an innovative digital or technological solution. This may include:

  • A company (start-up, VSE, ETI, large corporation);
  • An association;
  • From a laboratory of an organization managing a healthcare structure;

The innovative digital solution must:

  • Have already been the subject of a proof of concept and have a technology readiness level = TRL greater than 5;
  • Must have CE marking and/or be recognized as a Medical Device.

An experimental structure represents the consortium in its application to the AAP.


The implementation of the selected projects will last a maximum of two years from the signing of the funding agreement.

  • Until April 30, 2024 - 2:00 pm: Response to the call for projects
  • The week of June 17, 2024: Pitch day for shortlisted projects before the selection committee chaired by the ARS IDF General Management
  • July 2024: Selection and notification of shortlisted teams

Application requirements

Interested candidates are invited to submit the application file and return it duly signed by the holder.

Any communication about this call for projects will be made through the dedicated mailbox: