The HAS launches the iDoc Health Challenge: innovating to better disseminate, organize and connect healthcare knowledge
The Haute Autorité de Santé is launching its innovation competition: the Défi iDoc Santé aims to prototype innovative solutions to improve the dissemination and facilitate the use of healthcare knowledge. Organized in partnership with the Agence du numérique en Santé (ANS), the Institut national du cancer (INCa) and the French Ministry of Health and Prevention, the Défi iDoc Santé will run from May to October. Calling all specialists in knowledge exploitation and management: publishers, start-ups, manufacturers, researchers and data students, etc.
Take up the iDocSanté Challenge! Registrations are open until May 9
Participants in the Défi iDocSanté, organized in teams and accompanied by expert mentors, will have to draw on documents and data made available by the HAS and its partners to answer 7 challenges:
Creating links between documents:
This first family of challenges aims to enable new functionalities for browsing, exploring and consulting reference documents.
- Challenge 1.A: Identify paragraphs of reference documents relating to a clinical situation
- Challenge 1.B: Impact of a new publication on the existing corpus: use case of a new Transparency Commission opinion .
- Challenge 1.C: Linking a RCP form (cancerology multidisciplinary consultation meeting) to the right good practice document
Structuring medical knowledge:
The aim of this second family of challenges is to propose methods for representing knowledge about healthcare products to facilitate the work of healthcare professionals.
- Challenge 2.A: Position medical devices (MDs) in relation to all the knowledge objects produced by the HAS
- Challenge 2.B: Position drugs in relation to all the knowledge objects produced by the HAS
- Challenge 2.C: Develop an indicator of the complexity of prescribing, dispensing or administering a drug to identify situations where support by an IT tool is desirable
- Challenge 2.D: Equivalence between drugs
Each team will present its prototype solution to members of the jury, made up of experts, at a restitution day on October 6.
The general objective of the Challenge is to identify and define the development of new uses around knowledge documents on drugs and healthcare products: for example, materializing the impact of a new publication on the existing corpus or representing links between healthcare knowledge objects. This work will enable the HAS and partner institutions to identify needs and any technical obstacles that could be the subject of further development.
.Registration for the iDoc Health Challenge is open until May 9, sign up here!
A launch event will take place on May 12 online.
Find the rules, the list of challenges and much more on the Défi iDocSanté website!