France 2030: opening of the 11th wave of the "i-nov" innovation competition, health theme



The "i-Nov Innovation Competition" call for projects is a support scheme financed by the France 2030 plan, designed to select innovation projects with particularly strong potential for the French economy, particularly in digital health


The French government supports French innovators in digital healthcare

The French government has made it a priority to make France a leader in digital healthcare. As part of France 2030, the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy is endowed with 718 million euros and supports entrepreneurs. This strategy is the fruit of a synergy between various government plans put in place to anticipate the future and consolidate a fast-growing industry.

In order to energize and support the maturation of innovations in France, three actions of the strategy take concrete form through the "innovation competition - i-Nov" window:

The State's support, through France 2030 is a decisive factor for strategic, sovereign and sustainable industrial sectors. It is also the mark of a strong commitment to companies via financing, recognized labeling and reinforced communication.

An ambitious, recurring call for projects

This competition of excellence is dedicated to innovative, single-partner projects led by startups and SMEs, leading to the accelerated emergence of companies that are leaders in their field and can lay particular claim to global stature.

The aim of this call for projects is to identify and support projects presenting significant innovations in terms of product or use. Applicants will be able to apply to this call for total project costs of between €1m and €5m, with a duration of between 12 and 36 months.

The call for projects is open from January 9 to April 11, 2023. Following a pre-selection phase, hearings will be held. The winners are expected to be announced in July 2023.

The precise scope of each theme is described in the specifications, operated by Bpifrance.

Public consultation page with specifications and FAQ: