Call for projects: Data Challenges in healthcare
The "Data challenges in healthcare" call for projects is an aid scheme forming part of the "Santé Numérique" acceleration strategy and the Grand Défi "Improving medical devices with the help of artificial intelligence".
Expected projects
This call for projects is aimed at learned societies, healthcare establishments or health cooperation groups wishing to set up healthcare data challenges. These are data science competitions that aim to address specific medical issues in the field of personalized medicine, based on the analysis of datasets made available to all competitors, and mobilizing artificial intelligence technologies. Projects submitted must focus exclusively on the organization of data challenges.
Selected projects will receive financial support of up to 200,000 euros and operational support from the Health Data Hub.
- The winners of the call for projects will undertake to complete the challenges within 18 months, to share openly all or part of the data on which the challenges focus, and to not The application file must be submitted complete, on time and in electronic form on the Bpifrance extranet;
- The project must be carried out by a learned society attached to a National Professional Council, a healthcare establishment or a healthcare cooperation group. The project may be single-partner or collaborative, up to a limit of 3 partners;
- The project must take less than 18 months to complete, and have a maximum expenditure of 200,000 euros.
Application submission
Application deadline: November 2, 2022 at 12 noon (Paris time)
Timetable: Applications may be submitted from the date of publication of the call for projects and will be collected on the closing date of November 2, 2022 at 12 noon (Paris time).
Applications must be sent electronically to Bpifrance on its online platform