Where do I start with CE marking?

01.why CE marking?

A requirement for market access

To be marketed in the EU, my medical device, digital or otherwise, must meet generalsafety and performance requirements. These are defined in the European regulations on medical devices, and compliance with these requirements enables me to obtain a certification called CE marking. Obtaining a CE mark is anticipated as early as the development phase of my product. Other European regulations may apply (e.g. RGPD).

Please note: a regulatory transition phase is currently taking place for DM already CE marked under the old European directives. New devices must comply with the European regulations.

Please note: a regulatory transition phase is currently underway for DM already CE marked under the old European directives.

02. I define the perimeter

How far does my CE marking extend?

The choice of CE marking scope for your solution is up to you. Ask yourself the following questions: what functionality(s) of my product fall within the definition of a medical device and for what indications?

  • It is possible to obtain CE marking for only a "part" of one's solution, i.e. a functionality, a software brick, a sub-system. Collection accessories, the accessories associated with your DM, for example, do not always require marking.
  • The system or part of the system that ecomes within the DM definition must obtain CE marking. Other systems or functionalities do not need to obtain marking (for example, anauthentication functionality can be made independent and excluded from the CE marking of a digital DM).

To answer these questions, you need to properly segmentyour business, your software, your infrastructure.


In medical imaging, a digital system has the following functionalities, which do not all have the same purpose and do not all fall within the definition of a DM:

  • Production of images subsequently interpreted by doctors, is a DM
  • Diagnostic assistance on these images, is a DM
  • Storage, archiving of images or the simple communication of data (without analysis on this data), is not a DM

In this case, the image storage and archiving system and the diagnostic support software canbe made independent and interoperable. These devices can then be treated in regulatory terms separately. This means that the diagnostic aid software can obtain its CE mark independently of the imaging system. Thus, a modification to the imaging system does not necessarily impact the CE marking of the diagnostic aid software.

Check out here other examples of software and mobile applications illustrating regulatory positioning.

03. Who delivers it?

I choose a notified body

The assessment of this conformity is carried out by an independent body called a "notified body" (NB), which I choose by ensuring that it is properly designated to carry out conformity assessment activities for this category of medical devices. The use of a NB is subject to a fee, and the European regulation requires that fees be available for consultation by manufacturers. It is possible to use a foreign NB from the European Union.

Please note: For class I medical devices, it is not necessary to call on a NB, as the regulatory process provides for self-certification. With the exception of Class I DM placed on the market in a sterile state, having a measuring function or reusable surgical instruments, which are also subject to assessment by a NB.

A note: For Class I medical devices, there is no need to call on a NB, as the regulatory process provides for self-certification.

What class for my digital DM? With the implementation of the new European regulations, the vast majority of digital DMs are class 2A or higher, with 80% being class 2A.

04. I want to know more about the regulatory framework

I identify which requirements my solution is subject to

The assessment procedures for obtaining CE marking vary according to the risk class of my solution: however, whatever the risk class of my solution, I must prove the performance I claim
. Please note: the higher the risk class of the device, the greater the compliance checks by the NB.

In the vast majority of cases, will be studied:

  • The Quality Management System (QMS) which assesses the quality of my company's organization (software design and development, risk management, change management...)
  • The technical documentation of my product (the safety and performance of the DM, including ergonomics/usability)

To find out more about choosing the evaluation procedure, go to 1.1.3 of the guide de la HAS

05. I surround myself with the right skills

I recruit specialized profiles

To succeed in my CE marking process, certain areas of expertise are essential. I need to recruit or be accompanied by external experts concerning:

  • The regulations: it is obligatory (imposed by the European regulation) to recruit an expert (with at least 1 year's experience). Beware, this profession is "in tension", so this recruitment must be anticipated.
  • Quality and technical: it is advised to recruit a quality expert or an employee trained in standards (ISO-13485 for example)
  • Clinical: the European regulation imposes a clinical evaluation of DM which must be anticipated. It is therefore essential to set up a team competent in these aspects. It can be made up of an internal team member, external experts or a clinical board set up for the product's clinical development.

I can call on bpifrance's Diagnostic DM window to finance up to 50% of the costs of quality, regulatory and clinical development experts who can support me and train my teams in each of these 3 areas. If I don't know any experts, bpifrance can recommend several who are referenced for this guichet.

Link to the Guichet Diagnostic action sheet

06. I set up a QMS

I demonstrate my company's ability to produce my DM

  • I set up a QMSwhich describes allthe processes associated with the production of my DMand its compliance with CE marking requirements (change management, risk management, deployment management, production releases, etc.)
  • Based on my QMS, I build my technical documentation which proves that my product meets the safety and performance requirements of this same regulation.

07. I prove my clinical claims

I plan my clinical evaluation, required for CE marking

Sufficiently in advance of my conformity assessment request to the NB that has agreed to take charge of this assessment, I must specify the level of clinical evidence needed to demonstrate my solution's compliance with the requirements of the European regulation. As a result, I plan, carry out and document a clinical evaluation.

The scope of the clinical evaluation depends on the risk class of the device.

At this stage, I need to anticipate my business model and anticipate the clinical evidence I will need to obtain reimbursement from national solidarity if my product is eligible for reimbursement as such. Please note, however, that the clinical evaluation carried out for CE marking is not sufficient to obtain reimbursement by the Assurance Maladie.

Questions you may have

What is the new European regulation?

European regulations on DM and DM-DIV were profoundly modified in 2017 with the publication of two new European regulations:

What are the main standards you need to know to prepare for CE marking?

To set up a quality management system and build your technical documentation, certain European standards are key. Theyare not imposedby European regulations, but theirapplication is strongly recommended. Indeed, compliance with them may be an assessment criterion for the notified body responsible for CE certification. Access to these standards is subject to a fee (around a few hundred euros). Here is a non-exhaustive list:

  • Quality management system: ISO 13 485
  • Product development / software development: IEC 62 304
  • Risk analysis: ISO - 14 971, IEC 80 002-1
  • Aptitude for use of DM : ISO - 62 366
  • Clinical evaluation: ISO - 14 155

What are harmonized standards?

Each regulation has its own harmonized standards: these establish technical specifications that are considered suitable or sufficient to meet the technical requirements of European legislation.

Does the QMS cover my entire company?

Yes, some parts of the QMS cover company-wide departments, such as security, information systems (account management, etc.) or the human resources department (recruitment, training). In these specific areas, the QMS can cover the whole company.

How much does it cost to hire an ON?

NBs charge daily rates. The number of days required for certification depends very strongly on the nature of the product to be studied: it is therefore extremely variable and consequently difficult to estimate the cost of using a NB.

How long does the certification process take?

The average time required to obtain certification is 18 months. Beware, however, that this time depends very heavily on the nature of the solution to be certified, so it remains difficult to assess. The France 2030 plan is currently working to reduce this critical time for manufacturers.

What support is available to help you through this phase?

As part of the France 2030 plan, a number of initiatives are being implemented to facilitate regulatory procedures for manufacturers:

  • Implementing a quality process, obtaining CE marking or developing a clinical or medico-economic investigation: you can be supported and financed by a regulatory expert via the guichet diagnostic. This guichet puts you in touch with and finances half of the service provided by an expert referenced by the Ministry of Health and Prevention. The guichet diagnostic is openaccessible on the BPI France website.
  • The training of more students with a profile in regulatory affairs and conformity assessment is the subject of a action de la SASN and a Call for expressions of interest (aimed at educational establishments). Ultimately, it will enable us to fill jobs in this fast-growing profession.