Third-party venue: RI2S
RI2S (Rural Innov Santé Sénior)
Supported by : CHIC Castres-Mazamet
Consortium: CPTS Sud-Tarn, EHPAD Agir, École ISIS, Gérontopôle-CHU de Toulouse
RI2S is dedicated to the experimentation and co-development of digital solutions for the prevention and care of seniors in rural or isolated areas.

80 %
of hospital admissions in medicine go through the emergency department
50 000
nights of hospitalization per year for the elderly (>75 years)
The Tiers Lieu service offering
The South Tarn, like other rural areas in France, is facing difficulties in accessing primary care, particularly for its aging population. For several years now, healthcare players in this basin have been working to find solutions, in order to improve the patient experience. These players have decided to harmonize their actions, structure their strategy in order to develop a digital experimentation program at the service of seniors' health.
Organized into a Consortium, these long-standing partners have led the Rural Innov Santé Senior project, known as "RI2S", and have responded to a Call A Projets Tiers Lieux d'Expérimentation as part of the France 2030 program and the "Santé Numérique" acceleration strategy.
The ambition of RI2S (Rural Innov Santé Senior) is to support digital health start-ups offering innovative, sustainable and efficient solutions to the health problems of seniors living in rural areas such as the south of the Tarn.
Tiers Lieu projects
Project 1: PRESAGE

Supplier : PRESAGE
Need: For the elderly, recourse to hospital is a factor precipitating loss of autonomy. For half of them, their ER visits could have been avoided by early identification of frailty and early intervention by a healthcare professional. Medical desertification is amplifying this recourse to hospital.
Tiers-Lieu contribution: If PRESAGE CARE is validated in the primary care context, it needs to be adapted to integrate it as a geriatric pathway tool in line with medico-social issues:
- Anticipation of hospitalizations for EHPAD residents and scheduling,
- Development of new telehealth tools for Coordinating Physicians, development of telecare but also to reinforce the tools in place for town-based players and enable the geriatric network to provide a "Town-Hospital" response to primary care that is often struggling to monitor chronic elderly patients. PRESAGE should be one of the tools available for remote medical monitoring after ICOPE STEP 3.

Need: Keeping elderly people at home is a major health issue. One of the challenges is to ensure the safety of people in their own homes, and to monitor them over time so as to be able to detect any weakening or deterioration in their state of health at the earliest possible stage.
The need for TELEGRAFIK is a major health challenge.Third-Place Contribution: Telegrafik aims to predict and secure the loss of autonomy of elderly people in isolated environments by analyzing heterogeneous data from sensors installed in the home.
In the present experiment, new algorithms are to integrate data fed back by professional caregivers or other third-party digital solutions.