Your Ségur listing and funding roadmap

Getting your eHealth solution listed as eligible for funding under the Ségur Numérique programme

The listing specification files related to the "social care" and "pharmacy" lanes will be available by the end of 2021.

The roadmap will be updated as we build them.

Learning more

Learn about the resources available to you and the Programme schedule.

Technical preparation and launch of sales

Upgrade your solution in order to comply with the Ségur requirements, anticipate the steps to be taken with the CNDA, and begin sales prospecting. These activities can be carried out in parallel.


Get listed with the ANS, which is a prerequisite for applying for funding

Funding request

Once you are listed, I can begin the process of applying for funding. Start by enrolling with the ASP, submitting your applications for funding, and then receiving your advance.

Carrying out the Ségur Service and requesting payment of the balance

Carry out the Ségur Service for your clients and request payment of the balance once the documentation has been obtained

Ready to apply for Ségur funding?

Starting the work

Download the whole Ségur step-by-step guide and the summary documents

Step-by-step guide to Ségur Numérique