Structures 3.0

The role of these "eHealth accelerator" structures in France will be to experiment with and evaluate new eHealth solutions and practices under "real-life conditions".

Getting started

The aim of the "Structures 3.0" action is to create a network of pilot structures ready to experiment with new uses of digital technology in their services, to evaluate them, to share what was learnt and to help other structures to do the same.

In addition to experiments, these structures are developing practices that will have a concrete impact on the organisation of services and patient journeys.

In partnership with VSEs and SMEs in the eHealth sector, Structures 3.0 contribute to the maturation of the ecosystem through a "Small Business Act" approach.

The term "Structures" is very broad, encompassing any care organisation (private practice, pharmacy, senior centre, hospital, nursing home, clinic, vocational rehab, group home, prenatal and early childhood care centre, etc.)

A first call for projects led by the ANS was published in mid-2020 and will finance a dozen pioneering structures in the healthcare and social care sector.

This first stage of the programme will highlight innovative structures, finance their experiments and support them to encourage the sharing and dissemination of what they learned.

Structures and Solution Designers: Apply in pairs to this call for projects and join the Structures 3.0 network.

Visit the ANS website to learn more about Structures 3.0

In practice

The Structures 3.0 program aims to create a network of pilot structures ready to experiment with innovative digital solutions provided by industrial partners, to evaluate these solutions and to share what they learned with the entire ecosystem. Successive calls for projects will make it possible to identify and promote these pilot structures.

When ?

A first call for projects was launched in 2020, aimed at social care and social service facilities (application deadline: October 1, 2020).

The winners will be announced by mid-November 2020.



Next steps in the project:

  • July 2022:

    Reports on the trials of the 10 winners from the 2020 edition of the "Structures 3.0" call for projects are published. 

  • Q3 2022:

    The winners of the 2022 edition of the "Structures 3.0" call for projects are selected. 

Our experts on the subject

Elsa Creac'h,

Agence du numérique en santé

Héla Ghariani,

Ministry of Health

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The technical framework describes the actions in the ministerial roadmap for the eHealth shift.

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