
E-prescription is about making the prescription process between the relevant professionals more digital.

Getting started

The French e-prescription solution is first being tested on medication before being extended to other prescriptions.

In order to ensure that Health Professionals employ the system, e-prescription must be integrated into their business processes, which requires integration into the software available to prescribers and dispensers.

It is characterised by several stages:

  1. The prescriber digitalises the data of the prescriptions they write, and stores them in the database.
  2. The prescription data is consulted in the database by the dispensing Health Professional, with the agreement of the insured, and used at the time the service is performed.
  3. The dispenser enters into the database the procedures performed or medicine dispensed, along with the invoice
  4. This data is used to justify the billing of services to the Health Insurance Fund.

E-prescription has already started for medications. For other e-prescriptions, deployment will be done in stages, starting with a trial for each type of prescription.

Patients will also be able to view their prescriptions from the DMP. Eventually, they will access their e-prescriptions from their Health Data Personal Space (ENS).

The prescription assistance module used by the physician at an earlier point helps to ensure more effective care and to counteract side effects. Making exchanges more secure reduces the risks of falsification.

The e-prescription data will be used for various studies (prescribing practices, epidemiological studies, etc.).

In practice

GIE SESAM-Vitale is making the "unified e-prescription" specification package available to publishers in a working version on the Espace Industriels. Prescription software publishers, pharmacists and professionals on the LPP (list of products and services reimbursed by the French health insurance system) can access it from their Espace Industriels account, in the unified e-prescription directory (working version). Find out more about GIE SESAM-Vitale

When ?

Since July 2019, the French e-prescription solution has been tested for medications before being extended to other prescriptions.

For the other fields of e-prescriptions (medical devices, lab work, nursing procedures, etc.), deployment will be done in stages, starting with a trial for each type of prescription.

Découvrir l'ordonnance numérique en vidéo


Loi relative à l'organisation et à la transformation du système de santé

24 Juillet 2019 - Loi relative à l’organisation et à la transformation du système de santé

Law on the organisation and transformation of the health system

24 July 2019 - Law on the organisation and transformation of the health system

Integrating the e-prescription service into business software

The e-prescription service is offered in integrated mode in the business software used by prescribers and dispensers. This involves a multi-step process:

  • A set of specifications for prescribers and dispensers is published (the experimental version for medications is available in draft form on the GIE SESAM Vitale website)
  • Development is carried out by the publishers
  • Their development work is checked for compliance by the CNDA (National Centre for Filing and Accreditation)
  • Solutions are deployed in the field and support is provided

Terms of the e-prescription trial

The terms of the e-prescription trial currently underway since July 2019

  • A memorandum of understanding, in support of a three-way partnership between the Health Insurance Fund and representatives of doctors and pharmacists, describing the trial and governance conditions
  • A call for applications by publishers launched on 12 November 2018 identified three software publishers for doctors and 3 software programs for pharmacies

Frequently Asked Questions



Les étapes du projet

  • T1 2023 :

    La CNAM, le GIE et la MOAD poursuivent les préséries logicielles avec les éditeurs candidats au déploiement de l'Ordonnance numérique

    Le 27/03/2023, le logiciel pharmacien Id. (LGPI, version 2.20, de l'éditeur EQUASENS), référencé Ségur, a validé avec succès la phase de présérie. Cet éditeur, qui représente une part de marché significative pour l'équipement des officines de ville, a commencé le déploiement du service auprès de sa clientèle de pharmaciens.

    En juin 2023, le logiciel médecins Weda a également validé avec succès sa phase de présérie.

    Un téléservice de consultation des données de prescription par les orthophonistes via amelipro est en cours d'expérimentation. Celle-ci permettra d'adapter le service Ordonnance numérique aux usages de la profession et de rédiger le cahier des charges logiciel pour 2024.

  • T2 2023

    Une première expérimentation de l'Ordonnance numérique en établissements a été menée sur des EHPAD pilotes, afin de définir les conditions de réussite du déploiement en établissements ;

    Le déploiement s'est étendu progressivement à de nouvelles catégories de professionnels de santé, en lien avec les représentants des professions concernées, pour étendre les usages du service :

    • mi 2023 : mise à disposition des cahiers des charges chirurgiens-dentistes et sages-femmes
    • fin 2023 : publication des cahiers des charges infirmiers et masseurs kinésithérapeutes
  • 2024

    Le déploiement se poursuivra en lien avec la vague 2 du Ségur, afin d'être au rendez-vous de la généralisation de l'Ordonnance numérique fixée par les textes législatifs et réglementaires.

Our experts on the subject

Alain Périé,

Agence du numérique en santé

Catherine Morvan Sigward,


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The technical framework describes the actions in the ministerial roadmap for the eHealth shift.

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