GIP ESEA Nouvelle Aquitaine
Type of actor
Institutional player
Fields of intervention
Health / Social care / Social
Intervention zone

What is GIP ESEA Nouvelle Aquitaine?
The Groupement d'Intérêt Public (GIP) ESEA constitutes the Groupement Régional d'Appui au Développement de la e-santé (GRADeS) de Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Under the impetus of the Agence Régionale de Santé, it supports the development of e-health services and uses among local players, with the aim of improving care coordination and patient pathways.
Within the New Aquitaine ecosystem, GIP ESEA:
...- Facilitates the deployment of national and regional roadmaps;
- Ensures the consistency and proper implementation of core reference systems and services;
- Favors innovation strategies, territorial synergies and mutualization projects.
I have a project. How can I get in touch with GIP ESEA Nouvelle Aquitaine?
- Get insight into the major services deployed and regional e-health needs, the operation of the regional e-health ecosystem, the projects of New Aquitaine's institutional partners;
- Benefit from technical advice or guidance in implementing national core services and repositories, implementing your project;
- Benefit from being put in touch with professional players or establishments to set up experiments.
At what stage of my project should I contact you?
At any time, including in the initial phase.
Does it finance projects?
Accessible resources
- Project managers or project leaders
- Partners of the collective for the animation of Digital Health in New Aquitaine .
Practical Guide
All the questions you need to ask yourself for GIP ESEA Nouvelle Aquitaine.
Who's the right person to talk to?
For specific projects, please contact the person listed on le site internet du GIP ESEA.
Do you charge for your services?
Can your organization support my project individually?
Yes, within the limits of the GIP ESEA perimeter.
180 Rue Guillaume Leblanc 33000 Bordeaux