Gérontopôle Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Type of actor
Support player
Fields of intervention
Health / Social care / Social / Medical Device
Intervention zone

What is Gérontopôle Nouvelle-Aquitaine?
The Gérontopôle NA is a public interest group financed by the Agence Régionale de Santé and the Conseil Régional Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Its main objective is to support research and innovation in the field of healthy aging.
- Strengthen "public/private" innovation and research cooperations between with research, corporate and user players, and healthcare and autonomy professionals;
- Accelerate the development and deployment of innovations co-constructed with users & professionals in the sector;
- Enrich knowledge on uses that better respond to societal changes and the challenges of demographic transition, evaluate them in real-life situations and encourage their deployment.
I have a project. How can I get in touch with Gérontopôle NA?
For all projects related to the frail elderly, those losing their autonomy, those suffering from illness or disability, Gérontopôle NA is useful for:
- Benefiting from a monitoring service on public policy developments on active and healthy aging in France and Europe;
- Benefit from a Design service, exploring the real potential of new solution ideas or revealing the usage values of future solutions (user experience);
- Access places for testing, experimenting and evaluating solutions in real-life situations throughout the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region (university laboratories or private players, technology transfer centers...);
- Benefit from assistance with the financial set-up of projects and in the search for funding;
- Benefit from support in promoting and spreading solutions, sharing best practices, publications..., and disseminating your information (calls for projects, etc.).
At what stage of my project should I contact Gérontopôle NA?
- In the ideation phase: from idea to non-functional prototype;
- In the experimentation phase: testing in real-life situations up to the pre-commercial stage;
- In the medicoeconomic evaluation phase;
- In the phase of commercialization.
Does it finance projects?
No, but Gérontopôle NA provides support for the financial set-up of projects right through to the search for funding.
Accessible resources
The Gérontopôle NA provides a number of publications (État des lieux: prevention des chutes des personnes âgées, Annuaire régional des acteurs de la Silver économie...).
Practical guide
All the questions you need to ask about Gérontopôle NA.
Who's the right person to talk to?
Pierre MERIGAUD (Innovation and Partnerships Director): p-merigaud@gerontopole-na.fr
Is there a charge for Gérontopôle NA services?
The services offered by Gérontopôle NA are free of charge, but they are subject to appraisal rules that enable us to qualify the innovation and its expected impact on elderly populations or professionals in the sector, in New Aquitaine.
Can Gérontopôle NA provide individual support for my project?
No, Gérontopôle NA supports projects that bring together hospital or medico-social establishments or services, professionals in the sector, local authorities or associations in a "public/private" or "public/public" cooperation.
Can Gérontopôle NA support my project outside New Aquitaine?
Gérontopôle NA's action is territorialized to the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. Collaborations with other gerontopoles or related structures may be implemented within the framework of interregional, European or international projects.
How do I know if Gérontopôle NA can support my project?
By contacting us.
Gérontopôle NA will send you a "descriptive sheet for your project" to fill in, justifying, the innovative nature of the project, the expected benefits, a financing plan...which will enable us to assess the project with regard to the priorities of the grouping's funders.
24 rue Atlantis 87280 Limoges