Association Innov' Autonomie
Type of actor
Support player
Fields of intervention
Health / Social care / Social / Medical Device
Intervention zone
Regional / National
What is the Association Innov' Autonomie?
Innov' Autonomie is an association under the French law of 1901 that federates a dozen players around the subject of better living for the elderly, people with disabilities and the chronically ill.
- Foster the well-being of the elderly/disabled in their living environment by anticipating and supporting their loss of autonomy;
- Contribute to the design of solutions - devices or services - adapted to the needs of healthcare and medico-social professionals as well as beneficiaries and their entourage, and this, from the beginning of the design stage right through to user take-up;
- Inscribing the use of these solutions in a ethical and secure approach;
- Favoring or initiating the implementation of new actions and positioning itself as a hosting and experimentation territory in support of tools such as living labs.
I have a project. How can contacting Innov' Autonomie help me?
Innov' Autonomie offers you:
- A accompaniment and services that can intervene at any stage in the development of the innovative solution with a high level of expertise: Needs analysis, co-design of envisaged solutions, acceptability by beneficiary users and the professionals concerned, assessment of the value provided by the innovation;
- Conducting technical, functional and usage evaluation tests carried out by experts and the various types of users concerned, in a secure environment and according to a referenced approach;
- A health CML analysis® (Concept Maturity Level) based on the model established by the Living Labs in Health and Autonomy forum, enabling us to assess the level of maturity of your solution and establish remarks and recommendations with the aim of fostering the development of the solution in line with the expectations and needs of future users.
At what stage of my project should I contact you?
Services can be provided at any stage of developmentof the innovative solution, ideation, state of the art, market research, expertise, co-design, technical tests, use tests, CML santé® analysis.
Does it finance projects?
Accessible resources
Services and contacts can be made at any stage in the development of the innovative solution with:
- Project managers, marketers, psychologists, business developers.
- Specialized professionals (doctors, geriatricians, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, ...), volunteer caregivers and professionals and patient associations of all relevant profiles located in rural or urban areas;
- Health establishments and public and private health and social structures with their technical platforms;
- Elderly and/or disabled and/or chronically ill people, at home or in establishments who can integrate a panel of testers for the validation of technical devices or services or systems.
Practical guide
All the questions you need to ask about Innov' Autonomie.
Who's the right person to talk to?
- Innov' Autonomie Director: Denis Abraham
- Innov' Autonomie Project Manager: Julien Lambert
Is there a charge for Innov' Autonomie's services?
Can Innov' Autonomie support my project individually?
Who are the major players in the ecosystem for the autonomy of frail people in the Grand Est region?
- The Department of Meurthe et Moselle (President);
- The ARS Grand Est (Vice President) ;
- Acoris Mutuelle (Treasurer) ;
- La Carsat Nord Est (CA) ;
- La Fondation Vincent de Paul (CA) ;
- Le Carrefour d'Accompagnement Public Social (CAPS) (CA) ;
- Hospitalisation À Domicile de l'Agglomération Nancéienne (HADAN) (CA) ;
- L'Institut Mines Télécom (IMT) represented by GIP-InSIC (CA) ;
- The Aide à Domicile en Milieu Rural (ADMR) network;
- The Métropole du Grand Nancy;
- The CHRU de Nancy;
- L'Office d'Hygiène Sociale (OHS) de Lorraine;
- L'Institut de Formation en Ergothérapie Lorraine Champagne-Ardenne (IFELCA).
92 Rue du Sergent Blandan 54000 Nancy