Obtaining the opinion of the independent commission
I meet the conditions :
The commission gives a favorable opinion
The minister in charge of health issues a referencing decision
The end-to-end technical tests and API connection are passed (if I follow a pathway with data exchange with Mon espace Santé)
I receive notification of referencing, along with the decision of the minister in charge of health
09. My service is published
Assurance Maladie
Referencing my service
Publication in the Mon espace santé service catalog:
My service is referenced and appears in the Mon espace santé service catalog.
My service has been referenced for a period of one year, to be renewed at the end of the year with a new application.
Continuous assessment:
Continuous assessment is used to check the conformity of the elements declared at the time of initial referencing. It is described in the'arrêté du 20 novembre 2023.
Or in the case of an alert formalized by a third party.