4 questions to improve your application to a collaborative project

Elements to structure your approach
You're about to prepare an application for a collaborative project, but have you fully considered all aspects of your project?
Some fundamentals to keep in mind in order to best prepare your application for a collaborative project
Who's behind your project?
- If you start a project without having the broad outlines of its governance validated by your legal and R&D departments, you'll spend a significant part of your time discussing deliverables, intellectual property... amongst yourselves, instead of describing and specifying the project, its ambition and its assets.
- Is there one or two "leader" carriers?
Tip: juries appreciate clear governance that has been validated upstream.
How well do you know your environment?
- Do you know the addressable market, competitors, distribution model, regulations? If not, you'll have a hard time answering the jury's questions accurately.
In this competitive environment, what are your main strengths? (complementarity or experience of partners, current maturity of the project, existing customer base, patent portfolio, rare and recognized expertise, support from key opinion leaders ...)
What is the ROI of your service?
- Any grant expects its return on investment: the jury will expect estimates of the value generated by the funding granted.
Tip: identify all dimensions of the value to be generated: medical, financial, organizational...
Make the right first impression
- Are you entering an international competition? In which case the spokesperson(s) must speak perfect English? If not, you're wasting your time and have little chance of winning this project.
- All partners must speak .
- You won't get a second chance to make a good first impression: are you equipped to present your project effectively
Tip: Don't hesitate to call on a coach who is an expert in this type of project (competitiveness cluster, etc...)
Keys to presenting your collaborative project
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