10 Questions to get your project off the ground

Ten key questions to help you structure your approach
You're about to pitch your idea, but have you considered every aspect of your project?
Tip: Take the time to answer the first question, then answer the following ones, and then check whether the answers correspond to the problem!
What situation would you like to improve?
What specific problem, difficulty or concern for users, professionals or the healthcare system does your solution aim to solve?
- Tip: Formulate your raison d'être and then make sure that each of your actions contributes to its realization.
What's your solution?
Are you able to describe in one simple sentence the added value/innovative character of your solution compared to the existing one?
Can you answer these 4 questions very simply: What is the purpose of your solution? How does it work? Who uses it? Who pays?
- Tip: Medical, organizational and technical added value can always be measured, so think about evaluation.
Who buys, who uses?
Are you familiar with the healthcare ecosystem (e.g. prevention, healthcare, medico-social, autonomy) in terms of players and "economic functioning"
?- Tip: Identify upstream the major players (buyers, funding sources...) who will interact with you.
Why you?
What alternative or competing solutions have been identified in France, Europe and abroad?
Who are you going to harm/who are you going to disturb?
- Advice: Is your solution easy to replicate? What barriers to entry does it have?
How to generate sales?
What are the principles of your business model at the initial stage and in the marketing phase?
- Tip: Don't confuse user and buyer. How does your buyer work?
Put your solution to the test
Who are the main users/users (healthcare professionals, patients, caregivers, administrative staff, ...) of your solution?
Do you have connections with the field (healthcare professionals or others) to be able to properly characterize the need (interview) and then test the product?
- Advice: Do you have a "KOL" (healthcare professional or institution) who will help you with development, provide scientific backing and carry the voice of the business user?
Have you identified the framework of your service?
Anticipate and identify the necessary regulatory framework from the outset, so that you can incorporate it into your strategic planning at the right time.
- Tip: Confront your solution with its users (Do you have contacts in the field, such as healthcare professionals or other stakeholders, to be able to understand needs precisely, through interviews, and then test the product?). Have you identified the scope of your service?
Why should I be accompanied?
Are you followed by structures that can support you: incubators, technopole, gas pedal ... (business model, stage of maturity of the solutions, ...)?
- Advice: They'll save you precious months by giving you the right tools (business model, market identification, ...) and the right people to go to (healthcare professionals, cluster, regional council, BPI, CCI...).
Are you well armed?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of your team (CEO and associates)? How do you plan to overcome your weaknesses (partnerships, service providers, adding a partner, etc.)?
- Tip: Don't forget the importance of business endorsement (medical, user...).
Gain perspective
What is your goal for the next 2 years? What are the steps to get there?
- Tip: Indicate the means you'll use and be realistic.