Digital health training modules
Implement digital health modules in initial and continuing training courses for professions in the healthcare and medico-social sector by all training operators.
What is the objective of the action?
The aim of the action is to define the construction and implementation of modules to upgrade generic or specific skills to respond to the development of digital in the activities of healthcare professionals.
A call for expressions of interest "Compétences & Métiers d'Avenir" has been open since December 16, 2021.
Who is it for ?
- To universities
- To health training institutes
- in fineto students
Key information
Starting from the observation that healthcare professionals are still insufficiently trained in the challenges of digital healthcare, while at the same time needs and uses are exploding, initial training must be a lever for increasing the digital healthcare skills of all these professions.
This action will therefore make it possible to integrate modules on digital health for all initial medical, paramedical and social worker training courses in higher education.
The aim is to train 500,000 learners over 5 years in 32 universities with health sectors and training establishments.
As the primary lever for digital and ecological transitions, training young people and employees strengthens the human capital essential to the functioning of our companies and, beyond that, of society as a whole. It's also the best way to offer sustainable jobs at all skill levels throughout the country.
This is also one of the major conditions for the success of the France 2030 plan: supporting the emergence of talent and accelerating the adaptation of training to the skills needs of new sectors and professions of the future. 2.5 billion euros of France 2030 will be allocated to human capital to achieve this ambition.
The "Skills and professions of the future" call for expressions of interest is part of this framework and aims to meet companies' needs for training and new skills for professions of the future. Adapting and strengthening the training system for jobs in short supply will also strengthen our ability to achieve the France 2030 objectives.
These courses will be based on a reférentiel skills base that cuts across all medical and paramedical training courses. Modifier des textes réglementant les formations initiales des professionnels du secteur sanitaire'. To accompany this approach, a skills assessment system is planned via the GIE PIX, see "Implement skills assessment and certification tools"