France 2030 is one year old: concrete results and new resources for digital health



Digital healthcare is one of the key sectors of France 2030, and in particular its 7.5 billion euro "Innovation Santé 2030" program. It is the subject of a dedicated strategy, endowed with 718.4 million euros.

One year after its launch, the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy has met a triple challenge:

  • associate the digital healthcare ecosystem, by widely consulting its players.
  • rapidly support project leaders, thanks to 9 schemes, which have financed 61 winners to date, for a total committed amount of nearly 150 million euros.
  • engage these actions in a multi-year, systemic approach.

To intensify these actions and create a more preventive and predictive medicine thanks to health data, the Government today announces:

  • The 16 winning consortia in waves 1 and 2 of the "Compétences et métiers d'avenir" call for expressions of interest, for a total of €36 million in aid.
  • an increase of 48.4 million euros in the training budget for digital uses in healthcare. In particular, the budget will enable us to reach the level of 80% of learners in medical, paramedical and social training courses trained in these skills, i.e. a total of 100,000 learners per year.
  • the launch of the Programme et Équipement Prioritaire de Recherche (PEPR) "Santé numérique". Co-piloted by INSERM and INRIA, it is endowed with 60 million euros, to structure research players and bring about the emergence of disruptive technologies within five to ten years.
  • the first 10 winners of the "Tiers lieux d'expérimentation" call for projects to support innovation in digital healthcare with and for users.
  • the first 15 winners of the call for projects "Evaluation of the medical and/or economic benefit of digital or artificial intelligence-based medical devices", which has a budget of 20 million euros per yearand is operated by Bpifrance. These projects support digital healthcare companies in assessing the clinical value of their innovations.
  • the launch of a new call for projects dedicated to innovation in medical imaging to the tune of €90M to support the structuring of a French industry developing new image processing equipment and software for more accurate, earlier diagnoses and less invasive procedures.

These results and new resources are detailed in the press kit accessible below.

This unprecedented government dynamic structures the digital health industry, so it is ready to face tomorrow's challenges in terms of training, evaluation and market access, and make France a leader in digital health by 2030.