Digital health specialists

Increase the proportion of digital specialists with a health culture


What is the objective of the action?

The action aims to develop digital health culture among IT specialists to increase their professional insertion in the healthcare sector.

A "Compétences & Métiers d'Avenir" call for expressions of interest has been open since December 16, 2021.

Who is it for ?

  • Universities
  • To engineering schools


The challenge is to train 200 to 400 IT students per year in 10 projects to increase their professional insertion in the healthcare sector:

  • By encouraging the training of specialists with a genuine dual IT/health culture through the creation of complete digital IT/health courses within masters or engineering training programs;
  • By introducing a module to raise awareness of digital health issues in as many master's degrees or engineering courses as possible.


As the primary lever for digital and ecological transitions, training young people and employees helps to strengthen the human capital that is essential to the functioning of our companies and, beyond that, of society as a whole. It's also the best way to offer sustainable jobs of all skill levels throughout the country.

This is also one of the major conditions for the success of the France 2030 plan: supporting the emergence of talent and accelerating the adaptation of training to the skills needs of new sectors and professions of the future. 2.5 billion euros of France 2030 will be allocated to human capital to achieve this ambition.

The "Skills and professions of the future" call for expressions of interest is part of this framework and aims to meet companies' needs for training and new skills for professions of the future. Adapting and strengthening the training system for jobs in short supply will also strengthen our ability to achieve the objectives of France 2030.

Digital health training courses for IT specialists are surprisingly few and far between in France, whether at university or engineering school level.

This action must be carried out by a higher education establishment supported (or not) by a consortium that may integrate higher education establishments, hospital establishments and care structures and digital training players.

Action roadmap

  • February 24, 2022

    Rise wave 1

  • July 5, 2022

    Raising wave 2

  • November 2, 2022

    Raising wave 3

  • As the water flows

    Next lifts

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