eHealth training modules

Set up eHealth modules in initial and continuing training courses for jobs in the health and social care sector, offered by all occupational training operators.

What is the purpose of this action?

The objective of the action is to define the construction and implementation of modules to upgrade generic or specific skills to address the increased role of digital technology in the work of health professionals.

A call for expressions of interest entitled "Skills & Professions of the Future" has been open since December 16, 2021. The next selection will take place on October 31, 2022.

Who is it for ?

  • Universities
  • Health training institutes
  • Ultimately the students

Key information

  • December 16, 2021: Opening of the CMA AMI
  • February 24, 2022: wave 1 open
  • July 05, 2022: wave 2 open
  • October 31, 2022: wave 3 open
  • March 30, 2023: wave 4 open
  • June 20, 2023: wave 5 open


Based on the observation that healthcare professionals are still insufficiently trained in the challenges of eHealth, while at the same time needs and uses are exploding, initial training must be a tool for increasing the eHealth skills of all these professions.
This action will therefore make it possible to integrate modules on eHealth into all initial medical, paramedic and social worker training courses in higher education.

The challenge is to train 210,000 students in 24 training programs and 36 universities with a health sector.


These courses will be based on a skill base standard that is in effect across all medical and paramedic training, incorporating, among other things, skills relating to health cybersecurity, telehealth, and health data. It is planned to become part of the course curricula of the students in fields related to eHealth, see 'Amending the texts regulating the initial training of professionals in the health sector'.

To accompany this approach, a skills assessment system is planned via the PIX Economic Interest Group (GIE), see "Setting up tools for skills assessment and certification"

As a way to serve the digital and ecological transitions, the training of young people and employees allows us to strengthen the human capital that is essential to the functioning of our companies and, beyond that, to society as a whole. It is also the best way to offer sustainable jobs at all skill levels throughout the country.

This is also one of the major conditions for the success of the France 2030 plan: supporting the emergence of talent and accelerating the adaptation of training to the skill needs of emerging sectors and professions of the future. €2.5 billion from the France 2030 plan will be spent on human capital to achieve this ambition.

The "Skills and Professions of the Future" call for expressions of interest (the “CMA AMI”) is part of this framework and aims to meet the needs of companies in terms of training and new skills for the professions of the future. Adapting and reinforcing the training system for jobs facing labor shortages could also strengthen our ability to achieve the France 2030 objectives.

The value of eHealth adoption, presented by Eliza Reigner, Vice President in charge of Digital at the National Association of Pharmacy Students of France.