Forum for Living Labs in Health and Autonomy
Support / Financing
Type of actor
Institutional player
Fields of intervention
Social care / Medical Device
Intervention zone

What is the Forum des Living Labs en Santé et Autonomie?
Federation of innovation players, from experimentation to market launch, supporting the growth of user-centric solutions in healthcare and autonomy.
- Federating innovation players - academic, institutional, supporting and industrial - to foster entrepreneurial synergies, around health and autonomy issues, in a holistic approach that takes into account the user and the environment.
- Offer a catalog of skills related to innovation in healthcare and its support, at the service of companies and institutions.
- Accompany project leaders from experimentation to market launch.
- Develop support and research projects to serve the ecosystem.
- Contribute to several third-party experimentation sites.
- Evaluate and guide projects using the CML en Santé methodology, of which the Forum is the creator and owner.
- Train and acculturate players, particularly in evaluation and decision-making methodologies such as CML.
Macros missions
- Diffuse and synthesize the state of the art in research or practice.
- Accompany and train professionals in their governance, financing and evaluation.
- Love and acculturate through projects the various target audiences of Health and Autonomy.
At what stage of my project should I contact you?
From idea to market, there are offers for every stage.
Does it finance projects?
No, not directly
.Accessible resources
Practical guide
Who's the right person to talk to?
Abeline Majorel:
Is there a charge for LLSA Forum services?
Yes, on two pricing formats:
- Membership, which gives access to all events, webinars, resources and articles.
- Additional services which are priced according to a grid of statuses (VSE/SME/ASSO/INSTITUTIONS etc.).
Can the LLSA Forum provide individual support for my project?
The Forum des Living Labs en Santé et Autonomie (Forum of Living Labs in Health and Autonomy) offers co-accompaniment, particularly through the third-party sites of which it is a member, as well as support in evaluation and guidance towards the right experimental structures and funding. The Forum can act as an intermediary between the right people in its network of experts.
How do I choose a third-party experimentation site for my project?
The LLSA Forum lists players in patient-centered experimentation and the co-construction of medical devices and products.
Thanks to its directory of skills and its positioning in the ecosystem as a player in several third places, the FLLSA can guide your choice and offer you the best support solutions according to your stage of development.
Can I have my project evaluated in order to promote it to financing and marketing structures?
The Forum des Living Labs en Santé et Autonomie is the owner and guarantor of the CML en Santé methodology, a methodology recognized by players in healthcare research and innovation.
The FLLSA can assess your project and direct you to the relevant players for the next stages of your product's development.
What is the CML methodology?
The CML methodology in healthcare has been developed since 2015 by the LLSa Forum within transdisciplinary working groups.
It is the property of the Forum, which is its guarantor and trusted third party in an Open Source approach to continuous improvement by the community.
It provides a project maturity assessment and decision support tool, creating a project roadmap, for all types of innovation carriers in health and autonomy.
The Forum is the property of the Forum, which is the guarantor and trusted third party of an Open Source approach to continuous improvement by the community.
This methodology is recognized by funding or support institutions as a guarantor of a project's maturity and development.
19 Avenue d'Italie 75013 Paris