#24 PariSanté Campus: the birthplace of tomorrow's digital healthcare


Episode duration 00:10

Inaugurated in November 2021, PariSanté Campus is the founding place of tomorrow's digital healthcare. Its ambition: to mobilize and multiply tenfold the fruits of collective intelligence by bringing together researchers, students, start-ups, manufacturers and patients in a center that is unique in the world.

G_NIUS: 100 days to success is the podcast from G_nius, the Guichet National de l'Innovation et des Usages en e-Santé. With Lionel Reichardt, meet e-Health innovators and key experts to help you succeed in your projects.

Lionel Reichardt: Hello everyone. You are listening to 100 Days to Success. The podcast for innovators and entrepreneurs in digital healthcare, but also for anyone curious about this field. This podcast is produced by G_nius, the Guichet National de l'Innovation et des Usages en e-Santé. For this episode devoted to PariSanté Campus, I'm delighted to welcome Professor Antoine Tesniere, Managing Director of PariSanté Campus. This scientific interest group aims to be the cradle of e-health, helping to make France a leader in the sector. Antoine Tesniere, hello.

Antoine Tesniere: Hello Lionel.

Lionel Reichardt: The launch of PariSanté Campus was announced in December 2020 by the French President. A year later, in December 2021, the inauguration took place. Can you remind us of the broad outlines of the project's roadmap?

Antoine Tesniere: With pleasure. The idea behind PariSanté Campus is to create an emblematic center that brings together all the players involved in digital healthcare. It will build on everything that has been put in place in terms of public policy and strategy around digital health by the major players, such as the Délégation ministérielle du numérique en santé, the Agence du numérique en santé and the Health Data Hub, and will work in four main areas. The first will focus on all aspects of data: collection, structuring, algorithmic analysis, security, enhancement and sharing rules. These are all essential issues if we are to make progress in the data culture of our healthcare system. A second axis, because digital technology is also about jobs and talent, and so the second axis is training. We need to understand what skills our healthcare professionals require. Also, how are we going to acculturate engineers, data scientists, mathematicians and all the players who will be working on these digital health issues? Then there are two complementary elements. The first is the creation of scientific and economic value. We need to drive research and business forward, and create jobs in this strategic area for the country and our economy. The last is the impact that digital applications and tools will have on our healthcare system. In a logic that is open to patients today and citizens tomorrow. In the transition of our healthcare system towards prevention strategies. Four major axes that are supported by PariSanté Campus and by all the players brought together within this emblematic center.

Lionel Reichardt: At the moment, you're based in Paris 15ème. I believe this is a step towards the next deployment of PariSanté Campus?

Antoine Tesniere: Absolutely, Lionel. PariSanté Campus has settled in the 15th arrondissement of Paris for a few years. Time enough to work on the rehabilitation of the site that will be set up, which is the Val de Grâce army training hospital, which will host all these activities that are destined to grow in the meantime during the renovation works.

Lionel Reichardt: We clearly understand the ambition behind PariSanté Campus, to make France a leader in e-health in Europe and the world. You've defined the project's main lines of work. What are the main activities?

Antoine Tesniere: There are several major activities being developed within PariSanté Campus. Research activities, with a number of institutes present. An artificial intelligence institute called Prairie. An imaging institute called Institut Physique sur Medicine. An institute for digital modeling in biological systems, called QBio. And an institute on the sociological, economic and philosophical issues surrounding healthcare data. The aim is to develop recognized expertise in research into digital health issues. PariSanté Campus also includes training activities through various programs run by PSL University. Obviously, all the issues surrounding innovation. Another major element is entrepreneurship and the hosting of young startups or companies that are a little more mature. We're going to create a whole ecosystem and bring together researchers, healthcare professionals, students, companies, manufacturers and institutions, to bring these major players together, get them to work together and imagine and create together, all the major tools needed for the digital transition of the healthcare system.

Lionel Reichardt: Just about this hosting of startups or young innovative companies in healthcare. In March 2022, you announced the first selection. The first class of startups to join PariSanté Campus following your calls for applications. How do you go about applying to PariSanté Campus? What is the selection process? Finally, what can you tell us about this first class of 60 startups?

Antoine Tesniere: Applying to PariSanté Campus is very simple. We have opened a call for applications. A first one in September 2021 and a second one in February 2022, which enabled us to collect various requests from startups via the PariSanté Campus website. There's a form that anyone can fill in online. Once we have a sufficient number of applications, we set up a selection committee that brings together various experts within our founding members and outside expertise to analyze the applications, with criteria defined both on the financial aspects and elements, strategic, teams, products of companies. We also take into account scientific elements and the impact on the healthcare system, with links to the expertise available on the PariSanté Campus website. It's a global strategy that develops in the analysis of applications, and which then enables us to select the companies that will derive the greatest added value from integration into PariSanté Campus. This was the procedure used to select the first 60 startups to join PariSanté Campus. Initially, the logic was athematic. The idea was to really get a snapshot of the ecosystem of companies interested in joining PariSanté Campus, and it's very interesting to see how diverse it is. With companies working on data, services and medical devices. As well as on drug design and the ethical issues surrounding healthcare data. It's a really varied panel, and in the end, there's also a great richness in the diversity of players who are part of the PariSanté Campus. We are delighted to be able to welcome and integrate them at this very moment, precisely within this ensemble, and to begin a whole program of activities and exchanges with the academic structures that are also present.

Lionel Reichardt: To conclude, Antoine Tesniere. I'm an entrepreneur, an innovator in digital health and I want to join or participate in PariSanté Campus. What advice can you give me?

Antoine Tesniere: First piece of advice for new projects is to think carefully about the problem you're going to solve, and check that it's a relevant one for the healthcare system. That it will actually provide solutions for patients, citizens, healthcare systems, hospitals and healthcare professionals. And then to build a strategy to develop the company. Of course, the PariSanté Campus is open to all those wishing to innovate in digital healthcare. Whether you're a researcher, entrepreneur, caregiver, student or institution. Whether you're working on technological or organizational innovations. The easiest way, as I said, is to contact us via our website. Then, to see how the PariSanté Campus community can enable you to reflect, create synergies and carry out joint projects with your own digital health project. To support this reflection, we have the major institutional structures I mentioned: Direction du numérique en santé, Agence du numérique en santé, Health Data Hub and many others. Then there are the major French industrial players who wish to take part in the strategic reflection on developments in digital healthcare. Of course, PariSanté Campus works closely with the initiatives of the Délégation ministérielle du numérique en santé. In particular, the G_nius platform, which is a one-stop shop for entrepreneurs, and the training and animation program carried out by PariSanté Campus is coordinated with the G_nius platform, which of course remains a point of entry and information for all those who want to develop innovative projects for digital health.

Lionel Reichardt: Professor Antoine Tesniere, thank you very much. Our episode is coming to an end. Thank you for listening. Our thanks again to our guest for his availability. Don't hesitate to subscribe to the podcast on your listening platforms. We look forward to seeing you soon for a new episode of 100 Days to Success.

G_NIUS: Those who make the e-health of today and tomorrow are on the G_nius podcast and all the solutions to succeed are on gnius.esante.gouv.fr.

With Antoine Tesnière, director of PariSanté Campus.

PariSanté Campus brings together public operators: Inserm, PSL University, Inria, the Health Data Hub, the Agence du Numérique en Santé and private research and innovation partners to make the healthcare of the future a reality.

Antoine Tesnière explains the main objectives and upcoming projects, in particular to support and develop a whole ecosystem of digital health start-ups.