PEPR Santé Numérique joins LinkedIn!



Launched in June 2023, the Programme et Équipements Prioritaires de Recherche Santé Numérique (PEPR SantéNum) is the major research initiative of the Stratégie Nationale d'Accélération en Santé Numérique (SASN) set up by the Government as part of the France Relance and France 2030 investment plans.
In this context, the French government has entrusted Inserm and Inria with the scientific management of this program, which has a budget of €60 million over 7 years and is operated by ANR.


Join the PEPR Digital Health Linkedin page!

On this page you'll find projects, news, job offers, events and the people driving this great research program forward!

As a reminder The Priority Research Program and Equipment (PEPR) Santé Numérique is:

✅ 60 M€ over 7 years [2023-2030]
✅ Funded by the General Secretariat for Investment as part of France2030 and the SASN Digital Health Acceleration Strategy and operated by ANR (Agence nationale de la recherche)
✅ Co-piloted by Inserm and Inria
✅ 4 priority programs for 17 research areas
✅ 2 application areas: cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders
✅ Operational implementation in partnership with: CNRS, CEA, INRAE, IRD, Institut Pasteur, CHU, France Université, CDEFI and Udice
. ✅ Via the 17 targeted projects, there are already over 150 research laboratories involved (UMRs, teams and institutes), over 40 universities and grandes écoles, and at least 14 hospitals (CHU, etc.)
. ✅ AMI /AAP from 2025