The new 2023 wave of the AAP Data Challenges is open!



On the occasion of this third Data Challenges edition launched by the Délégation ministérielle au Numérique en Santé, the Banque Publique d'Investissement (BpiFrance) and the Health Data Hub, this call for projects is aimed at medical professionals wishing to organize large-scale Data Challenges on the theme of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare.

Data Challenges in healthcare: encouraging the emergence of innovative solutions through a participative format

The Data Challenge initiative contributes to innovation and data openness through the competitions organized and the knowledge sharing that ensues.

The launch of this new call for projects will make it possible to establish partnerships with medical players wishing to organize a competition.

The call for projects will be open from July 2023 to June 2025.

Three relèvements spaced approximately eight months apart will be organized:

  • The first handover is scheduled for February 29, 2024. At the end of each changeover, applications will be studied by a jury to establish a shortlist based on predefined criteria.

Would you like to apply? Find all the information here.

Support from the Health Data Hub and financial assistance from BpiFrance

The selected projects will benefit from the Health Data Hub's support throughout the duration of the project: organizational, legal, technical and logistical support, in the various stages of setting up the competition.

In addition to this support, BpiFrance is also offering financial backing as part of the grand défi program of the Délégation ministérielle au Numérique en Santé.