Launch of the first call for Station [E]-Santé projects!
Station [E]-Santé, a third-party experimentation center for digital health, is launching its first call for projects to meet the challenges of using your solution!
Station [E]-Santé launches its first call for projects!
What is Station [E]-Santé?
Station [E]-Santé is a regional, multidisciplinary third-party experimentation center dedicated to real-life testing of digital healthcare solutions for prediction, prevention/diagnosis and therapeutic solutions, from idea to market launch, with a focus on proximity and efficiency.
Station [E]-Santé is made up of several players from the Neo-Aquitaine region, including CHU de Bordeaux (consortium leader), Centre Hospitalier de la Côte Basque, Centre Hospitalier Charles Perrens, UNITEC, Aquitaine Science Transfert, CATIE and Université de Bordeaux.
Launch of the first call for projects: The call for projects presented by Station [E]-Santé, Tiers Lieu d'Expérimentation en santé numérique, aims to identify innovations with high potential impact. These innovations could have an impact on prevention, prediction, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment. This call for projects focuses exclusively on challenges related to usage.
Station [E]-Santé advocates the active participation of users and healthcare professionals in the innovation and experimentation process, in order to better understand and identify their needs and expectations.
Scope of the call for projects: Co-construction and/or evaluation of innovative solutions involving end-users (healthcare professionals, patients) at different stages of technology development (needs analysis, design/ideation, prototyping, deployment) and in several fields of evaluation excluding clinical interventional research (need, usability, ergonomics, cognition, organizational, economic or psychological impact, sociology, user experience...).
Objectives of the call for projects :
- Identify innovative technologies with high potential in digital health .
- Accompany promising digital healthcare solutions that respond to the thematic axes of the tiers lieu (cf specifications)
- Experiment with digital solutions in terms of use and acceptability within the experimentation grounds responding to identified and relevant needs
To apply for the call for projects:
Check your eligibility by downloading the specifications for the call for projects
Are you eligible?
You can complete the application form before December 22, 2023 and return it to