Cas d'or 2021, G_NIUS wins "Health" award



Les Cas d'Or honors digital professionals from the e-Commerce, Marketing, Advertising and Technology sectors.

Focus Cas d'Or 2021: the G_NIUS project among the 17 winners of the 2021 edition!

On October 6, the G_NIUS teams were awarded the "Health" prize which rewards systems that contribute to better knowledge and information on these fundamental rights for consumers. G_NIUS is the fruit of co-construction between Alterway's digital excellence center and the Agence du Numérique en Santé in the design, development and facilities management stages.

Les Cas d'Or submit their candidates to the sharp eye of 20 personalities committed to the use of digital and its corollary of ecological impact, who will judge the dossiers and elect the Winners. Several characteristics are thus examined by the jury:

  • The ability of said innovation to fit in with new digital uses
  • The ecological impact attributed to Digital
  • .
  • The relevance and usefulness for consumers
  • Companies, local authorities, organizations, solution and expertise providers
  • are eligible to apply.