Call for entries: "Feedback: digital transformation of the healthcare industry".



As part of the Comité Stratégique de Filière des Industries et Technologies de Santé (CSF ITS), the FEFIS and Numeum are promoting initiatives to transform healthcare industries through digital

Share your digital transformation experience!

You have until January 31 to share your experience of digital transformation in your healthcare industry and perhaps present your project in March 2022 at the FEFIS-Numeum symposium within the MedinTechs show.


Objective : to promote and bring best practices in digital transformation in healthcare to the attention of the entire ecosystem, public authorities, citizens, healthcare professionals and industry companies

? 3 winners will benefit from a day and a half of design thinking support from Accenture with the innovative Paris Center to deploy or improve their project.

These digitization challenges can be expressed at different levels of the organization of companies and their value chain: research, development, production, distribution, market access, uses. They can concern both internal and external processes, and involve the company's partners and customers. They may aim to improve the quality and efficiency of the company's processes, but also to create new products or services and become sources of value creation.

? The winners will be announced at the FEFIS-Numeum symposium to be held in March 2022.


? Submit your application by clicking here