Call for applications "e-health & rare diseases co-design workshops".
The Fondation Maladies Rares is involved in supporting "e-health and rare diseases" projects.
The call for applications is now open!
In order to support the emergence of e-health, for the benefit of improving the care and life paths of people with rare diseases, the Fondation Maladies Rares is organizing e-health & rare diseases co-design workshops to accompany, advise and support project leaders and help them take action.
6 projects will be selected to benefit from the co-design workshops, on Thursday April 11, 2024, and 3 of them will receive support to the tune of €5,000, following this call for applications and the co-design workshop.
Submission deadline: Thursday, January 25, 2024, 5pm (CET)
Useful links
For more information, please contact Gaelle Dombu Smeets