The AI for Health Challenge
The Ile-de-France Region and the Rothschild Foundation Hospital are launching the €500,000 AI for Health Challenge. Their aim is to add value to hospital healthcare data and bring therapeutic and diagnostic solutions to patients.
All about the AI challenge
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease affecting the central nervous system (CNS), affecting around 2.8 million people worldwide, including 130,000 in France. It is the leading cause of non-traumatic neurological disability in young adults. Hôpital Fondation Rothschild (HFAR) proposes to develop an AI algorithm enabling automated rereading of acquired susceptibility imaging as part of the diagnosis and follow-up of MS patients.
The Challenge aims to iinitiate an ambitious, long-term partnership between HFAR and a company that has demonstrated its ability to develop, validate and test an algorithm of interest for improving patient care. The competition will consist of:
- Detect the central vein sign in patients, and if a diagnosis of MS is not provided, give a probability of having this pathology.
- Detect the halo sign.