A look back at the third National Day for Innovation in Digital Health



On December 3, 2024, the Journée Nationale de l'Innovation en Santé Numérique, organized at the Palais des Congrès d'Issy by the Ministry of Health and Access to Care, presented the advances and prospects of the digital health sector and celebrated three anniversaries:

3 years

of the "digital health" Acceleration Strategy

4 years

from G_NIUS

5 years

Talents in e-health

Key figures

+ de 550

Face-to-face participants


organized workshops

+ de 230

projects supported by the strategy

Digital health winners honored

The event showcased 38 exhibiting prizewinners funded for projects belonging to the three sectors in the spotlight this year: telemonitoring, imaging, and mental health. The French Tech 2030 winners were also highlighted, illustrating their commitment to the e-health ecosystem.
The key partners in digital health presented their role within the ecosystem: Bpifrance, ARS/GRADeS, ANS/G_NIUS and Pix.
This unique event brings together and strengthens the links between the players in digital health, whose exceptional dynamism has been highlighted on several occasions.

8 thematic workshops to explore digital health topics in greater depth

Two workshop sessions were held in the afternoon, open to all. They provided an opportunity to discuss a variety of topics, including innovation, prevention, mental health, artificial intelligence and data sharing. Experts, healthcare professionals and project leaders came together to discuss the strategic and operational challenges of digital healthcare. These moments were an opportunity to share feedback, foster collaboration between public and private players, and define concrete avenues to accelerate digital transformation in the service of patients and professionals.

  1. 1st anniversary of the Grand Défi "Numérique en santé mentale" : bilan et perspectives
  2. Using innovative digital medical devices in healthcare and medico-social establishments: how to get my impact study funded?
  3. Data sharing and My Health Space: what solutions and what expectations?
  4. Aging well: what support for my digital solution?
  5. G_NIUS : Your key to unlocking every stage of innovation
  6. European space and national strategy on the secondary use of healthcare data: come and ask your questions!
  7. What support for my digital prevention solution?
  8. Artificial intelligence in healthcare: state of play and challenges for successful implementation in care pathways

A look back at the plenary session

The plenary drew up a panorama of digital health priorities punctuated by different sequences: Find the announcements in the press kit here

  • Introduction and presentation of the challenges of digital health by David SAINATI, Co-responsible for digital health, Délégation au numérique en santé, Ministry of Health and Access to Care
  • Ministerial address by Geneviève DARRIEUSSECQ, Minister of Health and Access to Care
  • Presentation of the challenges of our hybridization on the human brain and artificial intelligence by Pr. Raphaël GAILLARD, Professor of Psychiatry and Head of the University Hospital Psychiatry Unit at Sainte-Anne Hospital, Université Paris Cité - GHU Psychiatrie & Neurosciences, and Member of the Académie Française
  • Presentation of the three-year "Santé numérique" acceleration strategy by Aymeric PERCHANT, Coordinator of the "Santé numérique" acceleration strategy, Délégation au numérique en santé, Ministère de la Santé et de l'Accès aux soins
  • Bilan de la consultation publique sur la stratégie sur l'utilisation secondaire des données de santé by Aymeric PERCHANT and Claude GISSOT, Project Director and AMDAC, Direction de l'Évaluation des Études Statistiques, Ministère de la Santé et de l'Accès aux soins
  • Round table testimonials from prizewinners of the strategy with project leaders from Axomove, Vita DX and Poppins
  • Presentation of feedback from the CNIL consultationon reference methodologies by Marie ZINS, Commissioner in charge of health data.

Watch the replay of the plenary session here

A look back at the e-health talents ceremony

The 2024 e-health Talents ceremony closed the day on an inspiring and festive note. Dynamically hosted by Alex Fredo, this awards ceremony honored 9 winners for this 2024 edition:

  • Cybersecurity: The Digital Health Compliance clausier
  • My health space: Communication My health space Peï inclusiveMedico-social innovation: Animia
  • City innovation: Clinotopia
  • Hospital innovation: FollowMe Urgences
  • Prevention: RAVAIL - Travail Santé
  • Training: FEM TECH CONNECT
  • Secondary use of data: AGORiA SANTÉ
  • Jury's favorite: Holicare France

Watch the replay of the e-health talents ceremony here

Thank you all for your participation, and especially #neminimisezpas!