A look back at the PACA leg of the SASN Tour de France

On April 7 and 8, the interministerial delegation went to meet those who are making digital health in this territory in the PACA region as part of the 5th leg of the tour de France de la "Santé numérique.

Meeting the ecosystem. The stopover began at the Bouches du Rhône Prefecture, where the delegation was able to exchange with the local institutional relays they met (ARS, DREETS, DRARI, Regional Council, GRADeS), as well as other institutes and facilitators.
A time of exchange then took place with the entrepreneurs to share on the development of e-health and the actions of the strategy.

The delegation also went to Sophia Antipolis to visit the Université Côte d'Azur INRIA Center, where innovative projects were presented (3IA Côte d'Azur, Diplôme Universitaire d'AI pour les personnels de santé, Simcardiostest, Fedbimomed).
The delegation then met with local institutional relays and entrepreneurs, drivers of digital healthcare in the region.

A round table dedicated to digital inclusion on April 8. This stage's round table focused on the findings of the digital divide and the bridges to be built between digital inclusion and healthcare players. It took place at the Maison de l'Intelligence Artificielle, in Sophia-Antipolis.
The new uses of digital technology in healthcare highlight the difficulties faced by some citizens in accessing and using digital technology. Increasingly central to the monitoring of one's health, the issue of digital health needs to be thought through through usage, and all healthcare players need to be made aware of it.
There are support networks for digital uses and access that are seizing and training in the challenges of digital health. While the two universes - digital inclusion and healthcare - have identified common access issues, the bridges between the two have yet to be built.
It's a good thing that we're here to help.
The aim of this round-table discussion was to bring these two ecosystems into dialogue, and to set out the major challenges of digital inclusion.
The speakers at this round table were:
- Marianne Billard, Délégation ministérielle au numérique en santé,
- Pierre Dubreuil, Délégation ministérielle au numérique en santé,
- Marianne Beaufils, Banque des Territoires,
- Stéphane Delahaye, Hub du Sud,
- Thomas Roux, France Asso Santé PACA,
- Antonin Faure Daran, France Services,
- Ludovic Ruas, France Services coordinator for the Var department.
Learn more here about SASN's Fractures numériques and Compétences des citoyens actions.