A look back at the Breton leg of the SASN Tour de France
On June 15, the interministerial delegation went to meet those who are making digital health happen in Brittany, as part of the 8th leg of the tour de France de la "Santé numérique".

The 1st part of the day took place at l'EHESP under the format of 3 sequences:
- First, a meeting between members of the delegation and representatives of the school's management team. In particular, they discussed the pedagogical project being implemented, as well as the d'intérêt Compétences & Métiers d'avenir call for expressions of interest, for which EHESP is a prefigurator. The next shift is scheduled for July 5.

- Then, the holding of round tables on healthcare data, from its production to its valorization.
- Laurent CHAMBAUD, Director of EHESP introduced this time of exchange, followed
- a 1st round table on data production in terms of quantity and quality, with speakers including:
- Pr Marc Cuggia, UR1 - CHU Rennes
- Mathilde Hoang, DINUM
- Morgan Le May, CHU de Brest

- and a 2nd round table on the issues surrounding the sharing and exploitation of healthcare data with speakers including:
- Cécile Jaglin-Grimonprez, GCS HUGO and CHU d'Angers
- Gérard Le Goff, France Asso Bretagne
- Sahar Bayat-Makoei, EHESP
- Allan Rodriguez, VITADX
- and a 2nd round table on the issues surrounding the sharing and exploitation of healthcare data with speakers including:
- The Ministry of Health closed this time of exchange with a presentation of the broad outlines of the call for hospital health data warehouses which will be released shortly.
- Finally, during a convivial moment and at the invitation of ARS Bretagne, all local and national relays were able to share on the implementation of national and local digital health strategies in the territory.

The 2nd part of the day took place on the CHU site, at the Centre Cardio Pneumo with:
- Following a live minimally invasive procedure. This opportunity enables members of the delegation to gain skills and a better understanding of the innovations being made in healthcare, particularly in the hospital sector.
- Meeting with regional project leaders linked to digital health and the delegation
The following were present:
Interministerial coordination warmly thanks all the participants in this event, the organizers (ARS Bretagne, the regional academic delegation for research and innovation, the regional economic directorate and Biotech Santé Bretagne), as well as the hosts (EHESP & CHU de Rennes).