9 initial winners for training in the skills and professions of the future
Announcement of the 9 winners of the "digital health" section of the first round of the AMI CMA.
Launched in December 2021, the "Skills and professions of the future" call for expressions of interest (AMI CMA) aims to support the emergence of talent and adapt training to the skills needs of new sectors and professions of the future in the ten national strategic priorities of France 2030, of which digital health is one.
Five actions are planned for digital health training:
- Action 1: "Develop initial and continuing professional training in digital health for health and medico-social professionals";
- Action 2: "Increase the proportion of digital specialists with a health culture";
- Action 3: "Increase the digital health skills of directors and executives of health and medico-social structures";
- Action 4: "Increase the proportion of lawyers with a digital health culture";
- Action 5: "Increase the proportion of profiles in charge of regulatory affairs and conformity assessment in digital health."
In the first round, which closed on February 24, 9 digital health training projects were selected, ranking digital health as the second strategic priority in terms of number of winners, with €22 million in subsidies awarded.

A second round closed on July 5, 2022 and is currently being analyzed by experts and the international jury.
Next relèvements will take place on November 2, 2022 and March 30, 2023 for actions not already filled.