Third Place: W.INN

W.INN (Dare to Innovate in Healthcare)
Supported by: the Brest University Hospital
Main local and national partners: Biotech Santé Bretagne, Technopole Brest-Iroise, Les Patients s'engagent, Innoveo, Atlanpôle Biothérapies, Images et Réseaux, Le Village by CA
W.INN is Brest University Hospital's generalist Tiers Lieu, which selects, co-constructs and deploys digital innovations. W.INN draws on specific territorial features to build experimentation in line with the establishment's strategy, digital and cross-functional expertise.


The Tiers Lieu service offering

Since March 2020, Brest University Hospital has created a recognized innovation approach and then a 400 m² Innovation Center at the end of 2021 named W.INN to enable everyone to dare to innovate in Healthcare. Today, W.INN offers comprehensive support, from framing the idea to deploying the innovation, drawing on the skills of our local and national partners, as well as accommodation for start-ups needing close proximity to the CHU to experiment.
Located on the city of Brest's main university hospital campus, W.INN is a meeting place for digital health innovation for professionals, users, students and private players, with the aim of fostering collaborative innovation projects centered on user needs. Voluntarily generalist, W.INN has several missions:

  • Create close links with users and start-ups to co-develop and determine the strategic ground for experimentation;
  • Enable all types of professionals to innovate their practices;
  • Accompany and streamline the various stages to adapt innovation to CHU's digital environment and validate the cybersecurity aspect;
  • Effectively manage contractual framing, funding procurement, project monitoring and evaluation;
  • Host start-ups at W.INN to bring them closer to their testing grounds;
  • Facilitate in situ POCs and enable clinical and medico-economic studies;
  • Strengthen industry coordination (Coalition Next, regional and national partner events, etc.) and communications (W.INN workshops, etc.);
  • Launch Design Thinking workshops and work on projects with a UX approach.

For this value proposition, W.INN relies on a cross-functional, multi-profile operational in-house team (designer, ergonomist, ISD project manager, CISO, doctors, paramedics, project manager, ...) and our key partners to offer holistic support, from identifying the need to marketing the solution and marking it.

Tiers Lieu projects

Project 1: OSO-AI

Supplier: ARI by OSO-AI

ARI24 is the experimental project based on a diversification of OSO-AI's SCBA solution, which has been developed in collaboration with Brest University Hospital since 2021 and is currently on the market.

Solution and need : ARI is a small box placed in the rooms of EHPAD residents embedding an AI capable of recognizing sounds (falls, vomiting, ...). This intelligent ear enables non-invasive monitoring of residents at night, much appreciated by caregivers. ARI24 will use this same device, but will add daytime monitoring.

The 24-month experiment aims to train the AI collaboratively but also carry out a before/after evaluation with ergonomists, a clinical validation and a medico-economic study to validate the performance of this disruptive medico-social innovation.

Third-Place Contribution: these evaluations will take place in 400 EHPAD rooms in the PARME cluster at Brest University Hospital, spread over several pilot sites.

Project 2: Deneo Kid

Solution and need:Deneo Kid is a digital solution available in the form of a web platform and mobile application aimed at patients undergoing pediatric rehabilitation, caregivers and carers. Deneo kid promotes a more fluid care pathway for children by involving all healthcare partners and relatives in the care process. Having proved its worth for adults, this solution is not adapted to children, who have specific needs that evolve with their age. The aim of the Deneo Kid trial project is to complement Deneo with a children's module, to facilitate the sharing of information between practitioners and offer specific rehabilitation support. The experiment will last 24 months.

Tiers Lieu's contribution: validate the health relevance of the project and carry out the necessary steps in terms of regulations, cyber security and IS integration.