Supported by HCL (Hospices Civils de Lyon)
Consortium: Pulsalys (SATT Lyon St Etienne), Minalogic, Service d'Accès aux Soins SAS 69, Lyon Biopôle
Partners: Urg'Ara, Université Lyon 1, France Assos Santé, La Région AURA, INRIA, GCS Sara, EM Lyon, Métropole Grand Lyon
Focus on emergency and unscheduled care


people in the team



24 000

HCL staff who can be mobilized

The Tiers Lieu service offering

PLATINES is a third-party experimentation facility run by the HCL, Hospices Civils de Lyon via their Innovation Department.
It is a one-stop shop to support digital innovation projects focused on optimizing unscheduled care pathways and emergency medicine in town and hospital.

This platform aims to bring to light needs in the field that can be solved by digital solutions co-developed with manufacturers in the field, and to offer companies with solutions close to commercialization the opportunity to test them in real-life situations with future users (hospital or city-based healthcare professionals, patients, caregivers, etc.

Proposing adapted solutions

Innovate and inspire your R&D teams by being close to the need.
🗂️ HCL project proposals
🧑‍⚕️ Working closely with HCL experts
🏥 Within the hospital
🔄 Ergonomics

Master the stakes of your project by questioning the entire care chain, from the city to the hospital.
👀 Vision 360°
🚀 Saving time
↘️ Minimizing risk
👍 Secure future financing with HCL validation

Optimize your response to the need by testing your solution in a simulated situation.
🧑‍⚕️ Expertises HCL
💻 Interoperability
🔄 Usability
🎚️ Clinical evaluation
🚀 Cost optimization
✅ CE marking, DeepTech label

Solution close to the market? Ensure your success by implementing it in real-life situations.
🎚️ Evaluation
🗄️ Data collection
💻 Interoperability
👍 Validating HCL interest
🚀 Due diligence fundraising

Tiers Lieu projects

Project 1: ACIST

Supplier: MEDAE
Implementation of a digital cognitive aid tool to assist the care of elderly people in EHPAD and their referral to emergencies

Solution and need:
The ACIST project aims to avoid emergency admissions for EHPAD residents for non-emergency situations, by helping on-site healthcare professionals implement complex care protocols using the MAX application. The aim is to reduce unnecessary recourse to emergency services and SAMU, thus promoting homecare for EHPAD patients.

The PLATINES contribution:
PLATINES, through its partners, will take charge of coordination between hospital and EHPAD professionals. The Tiers Lieu will provide support in defining needs, drawing up protocols, developing tools and implementing them in the experimental field. This, in an organizational impact assessment approach designed with the various players and an ergonomics expert from the Platines team.

Project 2: FLUENCE

Supplier: Superwyze
Deployment of a geolocation system within the Croix Rousse emergency reception department, enabling the precise location of equipment and people.

Solution and need:
The FLUENCE project aims to improve patient management and the organization of unscheduled care by offering real-time and retrospective monitoring of information on the location and activity of people and equipment, enabling the organization of the Emergency Reception Service (SAU) to be optimized by providing the necessary data.

Contribution of PLATINES:
PLATINES will coordinate the participation of UAS department managers, as well as all parties involved in the project, including patient partners, the ergonomist and IT engineers. They will develop a methodology to assess the acceptability and organizational impact of the solution, and share the results of the experimentation.