Check to see if Ségur Numérique funding is relevant to you

Reading time 5 min

Our advice: if your solution is associated in co-contracting or subcontracting with other software to perform the functions described in the questions below, the programme is relevant to you.

Check to see if Ségur Numérique listing is relevant to you

If you answer "yes" to at least one of the following questions, the programme is relevant to you

Is your digital solution for outpatient pharmacies?

The Listing Specification File is currently being developed and is expected to be published by the end of 2021

Does your digital solution equip social care establishments and facilities (ESMS)?

The Listing Specification File is currently being developed and is expected to be published by the end of 2021

Is your digital solution a Radiology and Imaging System (RIS)?

To find out more, read the definition of a medical laboratory on the esanté website, section "Pour qui ?” (“Who is it for?”) : Radiology, learn more about the Ségur Numérique |

It isn't

Ségur funding is not relevant to you, but other eHealth funding may be

See all funding