Ségur Numérique's guided referencing and financing course

We will guide you through the steps to follow, the players to contact and the documentation to consult, to enable you to make the most of your Segur referencing.


Would you like to?

Check whether you are eligible for the Ségur referencing and financing scheme before starting any work.

Learn about all the steps involved in the Ségur referencing and financing process

Discover the Ségur referencing and financing system

2 billion euros have been granted to support the massive and coherent development of digital healthcare in France. This historic investment aims to accelerate the modernization, interoperability, reversibility and convergence and security of healthcare information systems. Subjects carried forward since May 2019 by the digital health roadmap. The final objectives are:

Enabling citizens to take charge of their own health

Generalize the fluid and secure sharing of healthcare data between healthcare professionals and with the user for better prevention and better care

Improving the working environment for healthcare professionals

Accelerating the digital transformation roadmap

How does it work?

I identify if I'm concerned by one of the referenced use cases

I bring my solution into line with the functionalities expected in the referencing specification files (DSR) for my use case

I'm entering a referencing process for my solution and I'm providing proof of compliance


I deploy my solution with my customers and obtain financing for each deployment


I discover the main stages of referencing my solution

I discover the main steps of referencing my solution

Questions you may have

What is equipment financing?

Equipment financing covers the cost of switching to a solution with Ségur referencing, via direct payment to publishers providing this service to a healthcare facility or professional.


Who is eligible for Ségur financing?

Any publisher of a solution referenced by the ANS (i.e. meeting Ségur's functional and technical requirements), once this solution is actually offered for sale. Any distributor of a solution referenced by the ANS (declared as such to the ANS and having a mandate established by the Publisher), as long as this solution is actually offered for marketing.

What are the eligibility criteria?

To be financed, the publisher must meet conditions relating to the beneficiary of the Prestation, the scope of the Prestation, the terms of supply of the Prestation and the ordering of the Prestation. It must also be previously enrolled with the Agence de Service et de Paiement.

What do I do if several corridors are involved?

Referencing and enrolment are done by DSR (Reference Specification File), by corridor and by software type. Requests for funding are made according to the funding unit of the corridor concerned (Instance for biology, server for radiology, group practice, MSP or CDS for outpatient medicine, health establishment for hospital).

Can I benefit from pay-as-you-go financing?

No, pay-as-you-go financing is intended for ES, ESSMS and PS.

How can you prove your compliance?

I refer to the Requirements Repository, which lists all technical and functional requirements, compliance scenarios as well as expected proofs.

Are there as many financing options as customers deployed?

No, not necessarily. The number of financings depends on the number of instances for biology, the number of servers for radiology, the number of group practices, MSPs or CDSs for town medicine, the number of health establishments for the hospital.

What are the key deadlines for manufacturers?

For all corridors, consult the schedule of dates for wave 1 end of receipt of referencing applications, end of receipt of payment applications (advance),end of receipt of payment applications (balance).