Support structures for people with disabilities

Centers d'Action Médico-Sociale Précoce (CAMSP)

2022 figures


Structures in France

17 193

Authorized spaces per year

Main missions

  • Contribute to screening for childhood disorders and preventing their consequences.
  • Provide outpatient care, particularly rehabilitation.
  • Favor coordination between hospital and private practitioners in charge of the child.
  • Welcome, inform and support parents.
  • Favor the child's integration into an ordinary environment, particularly in early childhood structures.

Main source of funding

Financed by the Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD), borne by Assurance Maladie and CNSA, and paid to establishments via ARS.

Professionals involved in care

  • Care support professionals (doctors including pediatricians and psychiatrists, paramedics, medical auxiliaries and rehabilitators including speech therapists, psychomotor therapists and occupational therapists, etc.
  • Social and educational support professionals (psychologists, social workers, etc.).

Public cible
0 à 6 ans

Legal guardianship services (MJPM)

2022 figures


Structures in France

239 678

Authorized spaces per year

Main duties

  • Exercise the measures of safeguard of justice, curatorship, guardianship and legal support measures, entrusted by the Guardianship Judge, when they cannot be entrusted to a family member.
  • Assist, control and represent the persons supported.
  • Inform in a clear, intelligible and appropriate manner.
  • Advise and guide the person.
  • Promote the person's participation in his or her journey and in the choices that concern him or her, and gather, with attention, his or her wishes and needs.

Main source of funding

At the expense of the protected person.

The protected person has the right to participate in the development of his or her project.

Professionals involved in care

  • Court-appointed agents, holders of a Certificat National de Compétences, employees or managers of a health, social or medico-social establishment, or exercising a liberal activity.

Good to know:These structures can also accommodate elderly people and, more broadly, anyone who is not in full possession of their cognitive faculties.

These structures can also accommodate elderly people and, more broadly, anyone who is not in full possession of their cognitive faculties.

Public cible
Adultes sous protection judiciaire

Centers Médico-Psycho-Pédagogiques (CMPP)

2022 figures


Structures in France

7 516

Authorized spaces per year

Main missions

  • Diagnose developmental (learning, language, psychomotricity) and behavioral disorders, in children.
  • Provide systemic follow-up and support around the child or adolescent's therapeutic, educational and individualized project, co-constructed with the family.
  • Foster the social, educational and professional inclusion of the person supported.

Main source of funding

Financed by the Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD), borne by Assurance Maladie and CNSA, and paid to establishments via ARS.

Professionals involved in care

  • Professionals providing care support (child psychiatrists, psychomotor therapists, psychoeducators, speech therapists, etc.).
  • Professionals providing social, professional and educational support (educators, psychologists, social workers, etc.).
Public cible
6 à 20 ans

Experimental plants

2022 figures


Structures in France

2 639

Authorized spaces per year

Main missions

  • Listen and advise.
  • Foster the sharing of experiences.
  • Accompany in the acts of daily life.
  • Foster social and civic participation.
  • Promote and support people's inclusion.

Good to know: These can be very diverse structures: day care centers, mobile teams, SA ESAT (Sections Annexes des Etablissements et Services d'Aide par le Travail), experimental collective residences, experimental platforms, respite care offers, etc.

These are a range of tools designed to improve the quality of reception and care for people.

Main source of funding

Benefits from temporary funding (e.g. FISS - Fond d'Investissement du Système de Santé, article 51), paid by the ARS.

The ARS funding is the same as the ARS funding.

Professionals involved in care

  • Professionals supporting social, professional and educational life.
  • Professionals supporting care.
Public cible
Tous les âges

Institut Médico-Educatif (IME)

2022 figures

1 428

Structures in France

96 922

Authorized spaces per year

Main missions

  • Favor access to education, school and professional integration, and inclusion of the young person in an ordinary environment.
  • Associate the family in the development and implementation of support.
  • Develop the young person's communication, expression and autonomy.
  • Provide psychosocial and rehabilitative care.

Main source of funding

Financed by the Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD), borne by the Assurance Maladie and the CNSA, and paid to establishments via the ARS.

Psychosocial and rehabilitation care is covered by Assurance Maladie and CNSA.

Professionals involved in care

  • Care assistance professionals (doctors, paramedics, etc.).).
  • Professionals providing support for social, professional and educational life (educators, teachers seconded from the national education system, social workers, etc.).

Public cible
3 à 20 ans

Institut d'Education Motrice (IEM)

2022 figures


Structures in France

20 861

Authorized spaces per year

Main tasks

  • Assume the missions of an Institut Médico-Educatif (see IME sheet).
  • Provide the motor education and functional re-education necessary for the child or adolescent being cared for.
  • Guarantee the necessary equipment and facilities.

Main source of funding

Financed by the Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD), borne by the Assurance Maladie and the CNSA, and paid to establishments via the ARS.

The Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD) is the same as the Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD).

Professionals involved in care

  • Professionals involved in supporting social, professional and educational life (educators, teachers seconded from the Education Nationale, social assistants, etc.) are also involved in care.
  • Care support professionals (functional and rehabilitation therapists, pediatricians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychomotor therapists, orthoptists, paramedics, etc.
Public cible
3 à 20 ans

Educational, therapeutic and pedagogical institute (ITEP)

2022 figures


Structures in France

23 687

Authorized spaces per year

Main tasks

  • Welcome and support children and teenagers with psychological behavioral disorders, demonstrating an inability to attend ordinary school.
  • Assuring a triple action, therapeutic, pedagogical and educational by guaranteeing individualized follow-up (support for schooling, learning and social integration in an ordinary environment.

Main source of funding

Financed by the Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD), borne by the Assurance Maladie and the CNSA, and paid to establishments via the ARS.

The OGD is a support scheme for people with disabilities.

Professionals involved in care

  • Professionals involved in supporting social, professional and educational life (educational team, specialized educators, monitor-educators, pedagogical team, specialized teachers, psychologists, etc.).
  • Care support professionals (medical and paramedical team, nurses, psychiatrists, psychomotricians, etc.
Public cible
4 à 20 ans

Special education and home care service (SESSAD)

2022 figures

1 662

Structures in France

58 697

Authorized spaces per year

Main tasks

  • Provide medical, psychological and educational assistance, directly in the accompanied child's home (home, crèche, school, college or any other specialized establishment).
  • Foster the young person's integration into the ordinary environment.

Good to know: There are different SESSADs adapted to different types of disability, as well as services d'accompagnement familial et d'éducation précoce (SAFEP), services d'aide à l'autonomie et à la scolarisation (SAAAS), services de soutien à l'éducation familiale et à l'intégration scolaire (SSEFIS) and services de soins et d'accompagnement à domicile (SSAD).

Main source of funding

Financed by the Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD), borne by Assurance Maladie and CNSA, and paid to establishments via ARS.

The Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD) is the same as the Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD).

Professionals involved in care

  • Care support professionals (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychomotor therapists, etc.).
  • Professionals involved in supporting social, professional and educational life (specialized educators, school life assistants, etc.).
Public cible
0 à 20 ans

Medical and social assistance services

Service d'Accompagnement à la Vie Sociale (SAVS)/Service d'Accompagnement Médico-Social pour Adultes Handicapés (SAMSAH)

2022 figures

1 621

Structures in France

59 596

Authorized spaces per year

Main missions

  • Provide support in carrying out the acts of daily living.
  • Provide social support in an ordinary environment.
  • Foster independent learning (at home, in a facility or in day care).
  • Providing educational and psychological support (maintaining or restoring family, social, educational or professional ties).

Good to know: SAMSAHs also provide medical and paramedical support.

SAMSAHs are reception facilities for the elderly.

Main source of funding

Funded by the Conseil départemental (day rate) for the social support part, and by the Assurance Maladie (care package) for the care provision.

SAMSAHs are funded by the Conseil départemental for the social support part, and by the Assurance Maladie for the care provision.

Professionals involved in care

  • Professionals providing support for social, professional and educational life (including social workers).
  • Professionals providing care support (SAMSAH only).
Médical et social
Public cible
20 ans et plus

Etablissement d'Accueil Médicalisé

Foyer d'accueil médicalisé (FAM)/Specialized home (MAS)

2022 figures

1 244

Structures in France

74 909

Authorized spaces per year

Main tasks

Welcome adults with little or no autonomy.

Assist these people in carrying out the acts of daily living.

Provide constant care and medical supervision.

Provide medical and social support, known as systemic support, promoting autonomy, social and cultural life, artistic, sporting, cognitive or educational activity.

This is assistance with autonomy, social and cultural life.

Good to know: The population of FAMs is less dependent than that of MASs (the only difference between the 2 structures).

The population of FAMs is less dependent than that of MASs (the only difference between the 2 structures).

Main source of funding

FAMs are residential facilities for the elderly.
Financed by the Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD), borne by the Assurance Maladie and the CNSA, and paid to establishments via the ARS.

Professionals involved in care

Professionals involved in care

Care support professionals (paramedical, medical staff, etc.).).

Social support professionals (specialized educators, medical-psychological assistants, etc.).

Social support professionals (specialized educators, medical-psychological assistants, etc.

Public cible
16 ans et plus

Etablissement d'Accueil Non Médicalisé (EANM)

Foyer de vie/Foyer d'hébergement/Foyer d'accueil polyvalent

2022 figures

2 185

Structures in France

109 519

Authorized spaces per year

), and which promote the development or maintenance of autonomy, and inclusion.

Good to know: The living home is for adults who do not belong to an ESAT, FAM or MAS. Residential homes are intended for adults working in ESATs. These structures are not medicalized.

Main source of funding

Financed by the Département, and by the user via the Allocation aux Adultes Handicapés (AAH).

Lodging homes are intended for adults working in ESAT.

Professionals involved in care

  • Professionals involved in social, professional and educational support (specialized educators, educational monitors, medical-psychological aids, life auxiliaries, medical-psychological aids, and paramedical professionals only in residential homes).
Public cible
Travailleurs majeurs

Etablissements et Services de Préorientation et de Réadaptation Professionnelle (ESPO and ESRP)

2022 figures


Structures in France

22 772

Authorized spaces per year

Main missions

  • Help define a professional project (ESPO) or develop and implement a professional integration or retraining project (ESRP).
  • Provide individualized medical, psychological and social support.
  • Evaluate, pre-orient, orient and train.
  • Federate and work with all the players involved.

Main source of funding

Financed by the insurance funds of the Social Security's health branch.

The insurance funds of the Social Security's health branch.

Professionals involved in care

  • Professionals providing support for social, professional and educational life (guidance, integration and training professionals, psychologists).
  • Care support professionals (doctors).

Good to know:There are other types of services: Unités d'Evaluation de Réentrainement et d'Orientation Sociale et Professionnelle (UEROS), Centres d'Orientation Sociale (COS) and Services Investigation Orientation Educative (SIOE).

Public cible
À partir de 16 ans

Etablissement et Service d'Aide par le Travail (ESAT) and Entreprises Adaptées (EA)

2022 figures

1 504

Structures in France

133 560

Authorized spaces per year

Main tasks

  • Employing people with disabilities.
  • Providing medical, social and educational support to promote their personal development and life balance.

Main source of funding

Financed by the Objectif Global de Dépenses (OGD), paid for by the Assurance Maladie and the CNSA, and paid back to the establishments via the ARS.

Professionals involved in care

  • Professionals providing social, professional and educational support (specialized educators, educational monitors, medical-psychological aids).

Good to know: The ESAT Hors les Murs scheme emerges to facilitate bridges between "ordinary" enterprise and sheltered and adapted work.

Public cible
20 ans ou plus (exemption d'état)

Innovating structures for people with disabilities


Innovators in the medical-social and social sector play a key role in the evolution and improvement of structures for people with disabilities.

The importance of structures for people with disabilities

Structures dedicated to people with disabilities, whether children or adults, are essential for providing appropriate support and accommodation. They enable people with disabilities to lead independent, fulfilling lives, benefiting from tailor-made services. For innovators, these structures represent fertile ground for the development of new solutions.

Structures and services for people with disabilities


Centres d'Action Médico-Sociale Précoce (CAMSP)

Centres d'Action Médico-Sociale Précoce (CAMSP)

CAMSPs provide preventive, diagnostic and support services for children under 6 with a disability or risk of disability.

Services Mandataires Judiciaires à la Protection des Majeurs (MJPM)

Services Mandataires Judiciaires à la Protection des Enfants (MJPM)

These services are responsible for the legal protection of disabled adults. They manage the property and personal affairs of adults under guardianship or curatorship. These services are essential to ensure a secure and well-managed life for adults.

Centres Médico-Psycho-Pédagogiques (CMPP)

Centres Médico-Psycho-Pédagogiques (CMPP) .

CMPPs provide outpatient consultation and care for children and adolescents with psychological disorders or learning difficulties, facilitating a balanced and stable life from an early age.

Experimental structures

Consultation and outpatient care for children and adolescents with psychological disorders or learning difficulties.

These establishments test new approaches and methods to improve support for people with disabilities. They are privileged places for innovation and research, improving the daily lives of disabled children and adults.

Institut Médico-Educatif (IME)

This is one of the largest establishments in the European Union.

IMEs cater for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities. They offer adapted education and specialized medical care, essential for an enriching school and social life.

Institut d'Education Motrice (IEM)

This is a training and research institute.

IEMs specialize in caring for children and adolescents with motor impairments, offering educational and therapeutic care, guaranteeing an active and autonomous daily life.

Institut Educatif, Thérapeutique et Pédagogique (ITEP)

ITEPs specialize in caring for children and adolescents with motor impairments.

ITEPs are aimed at young people experiencing psychological difficulties that seriously disrupt socialization and access to learning.

Service d'Education Spéciale et de Soins à Domicile (SESSAD)

Service d'Education Spéciale et de Soins à Domicile (SESSAD).

SESSADs provide home-based educational and therapeutic services for disabled children and adolescents, facilitating their social and educational integration.

Services d'accompagnement médico-sociaux et sociaux

Services d'accompagnement médico-sociaux et sociaux

These services provide personalized support for disabled people to help them with their daily lives, independence and social integration. They are essential to ensuring a quality life for adults and children with disabilities.

Etablissement d'Accueil Médicalisé

This is a home care service.

These facilities accommodate people requiring constant medical assistance, offering specialized care tailored to their specific needs.

Etablissement d'Accueil Non Médicalisé (EANM)

These facilities accommodate people requiring constant medical assistance.

EANMs are residential homes for people with disabilities who do not require intensive medical care. An EANM home provides daily support for its residents to carry out their activities, offering them an active and independent life.

Etablissements et Services de Préorientation et de Réadaptation Professionnelle (ESPO and ESRP)

Etablissements et Services de Préorientation et de Réadaptation Professionnelle (ESPO and ESRP) are establishments and services for vocational reorientation and rehabilitation.

These structures help disabled people find their professional path and integrate into the world of work through specialized training and support.

Etablissement et Service d'Aide par le Travail (ESAT) and Entreprises Adaptées (EA)


ESATs and EAs offer employment opportunities tailored to the abilities of people with disabilities, promoting their professional and social integration.

Opportunities for innovation in the medical-social and social sector


Structures for people with disabilities offer many opportunities for innovators in the medico-social and social sector. The integration of digital technologies, such as medical monitoring applications, teleconsultation platforms and daily life management tools, can transform support and significantly improve the quality of life of people with disabilities.

Innovators can collaborate with these facilities to develop tailor-made solutions, adapted to the specific needs of users. Initiatives can include digital training programs for staff, secure health data management systems, augmentative communication devices for people with communication disorders, etc.

A vast and promising field for innovating and transforming the medico-social and social sector


Innovation in structures for people with disabilities is essential to improving the services and support on offer. By understanding specific needs and developing appropriate technological solutions, professionals in the medical-social and social sector can make a significant contribution to the fulfillment and autonomy of people with disabilities. Innovations help create optimal living environments for children and adults, ensuring appropriate accommodation and personalized services.

Support for people with disabilities is a type of structures of the secteur médico-social et social.

Supporting people with disabilities is a type of structures of the medico-social and social sector.

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