Order my certificate


My application for inclusion in the circle of trust of the national ROR has been accepted.

04. I take care of administrative formalities

I complete the request to join the circle of trust of the national ROR

I download the Circle of Trust integration form (below) and send it to monserviceclient.ROR@esante.gouv.fr

The form must be completed by the person legally responsible.

I receive a validation e-mail with my data access profile and my connection codes for the PLATINES test platform.

  • My login details will be requested during the operational phase.
  • If I don't log in after 6 months on PLATINES, my account is automatically deactivated.

05. I request a membership contract with ANS and a legal representative card

I already have a membership contract with ANS and a legal representative card

I go straight to step 6.

I already have a membership contract with ANS but I don't have a legal representation card.

I am making a card request as a legal representative.

I do not have a membership contract with ANS and I do not have a legal representative card.

I fill out the membership contract and declaration of legal representative.

06. [Optional] I order CPA cards for technical administrators

Order CPA cards for technical administrators.

The legal representative also orders CPA cards for technical administrators.

07. I designate the technical administrators who will be able to order certificates

The legal representative authorizes the technical administrators or, if he/she is alone, declares him/herself as the technical administrator.

To do this, he/she completes the certificate or performs the action on the My Entitlements portal

08. I generate certificates

I log on to the ICG Santé platform to collect my certificate

The technical administrators authorized in step 7 connect with their cards to the IGC Santé platform. They generate and download the certificate.
The certificate is the same for the PLATINES test platform as it is for the national ROR.

Download my complete ROR guided tour

Mon parcours guidé ROR