National Housing Agency (ANAH)



Type of actor

Institutional player

Fields of intervention


Intervention zone


This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector

What is the Agence nationale de l'habitat?

The ANAH pilots France Rénov', the public housing renovation service. This service offers free, neutral and independent advice. It is accessible via a website, a national number, and more than 570 Espaces conseil throughout France.

Go to the Agence nationale de l'habitat website

This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector


The main missions of ANAH are:

  • Amplify energy renovation;
  • Accompany loss of autonomy ;
  • Supporting condominiums;
  • Action against substandard housing;
  • Improving private rental housing;
  • Redynamize town centers and old town centers;
  • Humanize housing structures;

I have a project, how can getting in touch with ANAH help me?

The ANAH's MaPrimeAdapt' aid finances work to adapt to loss of autonomy for the elderly or disabled. This aid enables entrepreneurs in the e-health sector to obtain information and learn about the various solutions available to their future clientele.

At what stage of my project should I get in touch?

During all stages of their project.

Does it finance projects?


8, Avenue de l'Opéra 75001 Paris