National High-Performance Computing Equipment (GENCI)
Type of actor
Research player
Fields of intervention
Health / Medical Device
Intervention zone
What is GENCI?
GENCI is a non-trading company owned 49% by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, 20% by CEA, 20% by CNRS, 10% by the Conference of University Presidents and 1% by Inria. It provides academic and industrial researchers with computing (supercomputers) and storage resources available at 3 sovereign computing centers.
- Participate in the definition and implementation of the national strategy for equipping HPC / AI and storage facilities;
- Promote the use of digital simulation and supercomputing/Artificial Intelligence;
- Support the integrated HPC ecosystem on a European scale.
I have a project. How can getting in touch with GENCI help me?
- Accelerate your research through the use of high-performance supercomputers and storage facilities;
- Access pre- and post-processing and visualization services for data from GENCI's supercomputers;
- Access computing and storage resources free of charge for academic and industrial research on condition that results obtained using GENCI's national resources are published;
- Benefit from user support and assistance provided by the three national computing centers (CINES, IDRIS and TGCC) where the supercomputers are housed;
- Sovereign and secure environment ;
- Different types of resource access are available depending on community needs.
At what stage of my project should I contact you?
At any time in the life of a project requiring computing resources.
Does it finance projects?
No, but access to resources is free.
Accessible resources
Depending on community needs, different types of access are available, including:
- Dynamic accesses (AD), at any time during the year to benefit from an initial allocation of computing resources for AI or numerical simulation;
- Regular access, 2 times a year a call for projects for more substantial requests (several hundred thousand to millions of hours over 1 year);
- In all cases a single address.
Practical guide
All the questions you need to ask about GENCI.
Who's the right person to talk to?
For any questions regarding allocations on GENCI's national resources, please do not hesitate to contact
How does GENCI relate to the international arena?
GENCI is the French representative within the European PRACE infrastructure (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe). As such, it provides access to one of its supercomputers (Joliot Curie at TGCC). PRACE gives European researchers access to computing resources comparable to those available in the USA, China or Japan.
Additional resources can be requested via the PRACE website.
Additional resources can be requested via the portal.
6b Rue Auguste Vitu 75015 Paris