National Deposit and Approval Center (CNDA)
Type of actor
Institutional player
Fields of intervention
Intervention zone
Regional / National

What is the CNDA?
As a service to the French health insurance system, the CNDA (Le Centre National de Dépôt et d'Agrément) has been certifying software from partner publishers for more than 30 years, for data exchanges that combine reliability and fluidity. This quality approach is intended as a permanent progress tool that continues to be applied as technical and regulatory developments take place, once certification has been obtained.
The CNDA's missions, initially focused on SESAM-Vitale billing, have been extended to the conformity of the healthcare professional's workstation for access to Assurance Maladie teleservices.
The aim is to ensure the compliance of software developed by publishers in order to guarantee:
- Fast reimbursement times and equal treatment for all policyholders;
- The payment of Tiers-Payant benefits to healthcare professionals;
- A minimum rejection rate for Health Insurance schemes;
- A single referencing procedure known and recognized by software publishers.
I have a project. How can contacting the CNDA help me?
The CNDA carries out various types of referencing:
- Agreement or Homologation for the issuance of secure electronic invoices;
- Authorization for access to Assurance Maladie teleservices;
- Certification for healthcare facility billing;
- Homologation for the Shared Medical Record.
At what stage of my project should I contact you?
Project holders must register on the CNDA website to signify their steps to use one or more of the Assurance Maladie services.
With CNDA, the various stages are as follows:
- Signing contractual documents
Whatever the type of software you wish to have listed, you must first contract for the service offered by the CNDA (contractual conditions for SESAM-Vitale, teleservices, DMP...). - Software acceptance by the publisher
The development of your software is to be based on the reference documents downloadable from the GIE SESAM-Vitale industrial space.
CNDA test environments and guides enable you to interactively validate the development of each feature, and to build up a software acceptance file.
The CNDA analyzes the elements in the file and draws up a report indicating any points to be corrected and tests to be repeated before the file is resubmitted. - Software verification by the CNDA
This software testing phase is scheduled with the CNDA. Depending on the results obtained, several test sessions may be necessary until software compliance is obtained. - Software referencing by CNDA
The CNDA certificate of conformity is issued to the software for a given version number and authorizes its distribution to healthcare professionals.
Does it finance projects?
Accessible resources
- The distribution to software publishers of the various administrative and technical elements required for software development.
- The provision of an interactive test platform enabling software publishers to have a genuine environment for exchanging and processing secure billing flows.
- The management of CPS and Vitale test cards.
- Technical and functional support on test sets and test books made available to editors.
- The distribution of the Vitale card reading API.
- The referencing of software integrating the calculation of the National Health Identifier (INS-C).
515 Avenue Georges Frêche 34170 Castelnau-le-Lez