Type of actor
Institutional player
Fields of intervention
Health / Social care / Social
Intervention zone
Regional / National / European / International
What is the IGNfab?
The French National Institute for Geographic and Forestry Information (IGN) is the leading interministerial operator for the production and qualification of sovereign geographic and forestry data. Its mission is to produce, collect, qualify and disseminate these data, which are essential for the implementation of public policies.
In a desire for innovation and openness, the IGN set up the IGNfab scheme in 2014, an accelerator for innovative start-up projects, SMEs and VSEs that wish to develop digital geoservices, based on IGN data related to the description of the land and geolocation.
Since geodata are ubiquitous and used by everyone, IGNfab offers customised support whatever your sector of activity: Environment, agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, town and country planning, health, social care, etc.
The scheme operates through subject-specific calls for projects, with the winners receiving support for 6 to 24 months to develop their product or service. In addition to the subject-specific calls for projects that you can respond to, IGNfab will also provide, within the framework of the partnership with the Agence du numérique en santé, support in the form of consulting and expertise around geodata and geomatics.
IGNfab's primary mission is to accelerate the development of your innovative projects by offering you customised support in three areas:
- Mobilising the IGN's know-how and technical expertise for the handling and processing of geographic data, such as through engaging in software development, providing IGN development platforms for use, or dispensing advice and occasional training
- Special access to IGN databases
- Institutional and commercial support: Contact with IGN's institutional partners, marketing advice, use of IGN's distribution network, sponsorship and promotion of the project's results ("IGN label").
I have a project, how can contacting the IGNfab be of use to me?
Being part of the IGNfab program, means you can:
- Accelerate the development of your projects with tailor-made support
- Access to reference data that provides a description of the territory
- Benefit from IGN's know-how and cutting-edge technologies derived from its research (3 public-private labs, called UMRs)
- Access the IGN partner network and get support from the entire IGNfab innovation ecosystem
- Earn an IGN label and get amplified communications.
At what stage of my project should I contact them?
To be supported by IGNfab, your project must first and foremost use IGN data and/or expertise.
Secondly, your project must be viable, i.e. you must have already demonstrated short/medium-term technical feasibility and economic potential.
Your geoservice must also fall under one of the subjects of the various calls for projects organised by IGNfab during the year.
However, outside of the competition process, you can contact IGNfab if you need help with the handling and processing of IGN data.
Découvrir l'IGNfab en vidéo

J'ai un projet, en quoi entrer en contact avec l'IGNfab m'est utile ?
- Pour tout savoir sur l'offre de données et de services de l'IGN ;
- Plus spécifiquement, pour savoir quelles données IGN ou quels référentiels utiliser pour mener à bien mon projet ;
- Pour bénéficier du savoir-faire IGN et des technologies de pointe issues de sa recherche (3 UMR) ;
- Pour accéder au réseau de partenaires de l'IGN et être appuyé par l'ensemble de l'écosystème de l'innovation d'IGNfab (ministères, territoires d'expérimentation, collectivités, pôles de compétitivité, réseau Greentech Innovation...) ;
- Pour bénéficier d'une labellisation IGN et aussi d'un relais de communication.
A quelle phase de mon projet entrer en contact ?
Pour être accompagné par IGNfab, il faut avant toute chose que votre projet utilise les données et/ou l’expertise de l’IGN.
Ensuite, votre projet doit être viable, c’est-à-dire que vous devrez déjà avoir montré une faisabilité technique à court/moyen terme et un potentiel économique.
Il faut également que votre géoservice s’inscrive dans une des thématiques des différents appels à projets organisés par IGNfab pendant l’année.
Hors voie de concours, vous pouvez toutefois solliciter IGNfab si vous avez besoin d’aide sur la prise en main et le traitement des données de l’IGN.
Finance-t-il des projets ?
Non mais IGNfab peut vous adresser aux guichets de financements adéquats.
Ressources accessibles
L’IGN dispose de nombreux outils et données (libres et accessibles gratuitement sous licence ouverte Etalab 2.0) permettant une connaissance fine et précise des territoires et de l’environnement, leur observation, l’analyse de leur évolution grâce à des comparaisons temporelles de photos ou de cartes.
Practical guide
Frequently asked questions about the Living Lab.
Who is the right person to contact?
The IGNfab team can be reached at this address: ignfab@ign.fr
Does IGNfab charge for its services?
IGNfab provides free assistance to innovative geoservice project leaders that have won its calls for projects, by making IGN data, its business expertise, and its institutional network available to them. In addition, ad hoc assistance can also be provided to start-ups and SMEs on data handling, advice and expertise, outside of the competition process.
Can the IGNfab support my project individually?
73 Avenue de Paris 94160 Saint-Mandé