GRADeS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté



Type of actor

Institutional player

Fields of intervention

Health / Social care

Intervention zone


What is GRADeS in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region?

The Groupement Régional d'Appui au Développement de la e-Santé (GRADeS) Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (BFC) came into being on January 1, 2020. It is the result of the merger of the Groupements de Coopération Sanitaire (GCS) e-santé Bourgogne and Emosist (Franche-Comté).

GRADeS BFC participates in the development and implementation of the regional e-health strategy led by the Agence Régionale de Santé (ARS) BFC, in conjunction with the common base of digital health services. 

Its mission is to support and implement national and regional e-health projects and services in the territories of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region 
. It provides project management assistance on behalf of its members, public and private healthcare players in the health and medico-social sectors. 


The GRADeS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté leads projects and oversees the urbanization, interoperability and security of healthcare Information Systems on a regional scale. It coordinates and federates the region's players around the regional e-health strategy, promotes the use of digital health services in the territories, and provides its expertise to regional players.
It also supports innovative services and projects. It also implements innovative services and projects in partnership with national or regional institutional players, or on behalf of local healthcare providers, provided that these projects are consistent with the regional e-health strategy.
It participates in the development and implementation of e-health services in the region. It participates in the development and implementation of the regional e-health strategy promoted by the ARS BFC, in conjunction with the common base of digital health services.
GRADeS is an accredited training organization and a key player in e-health training. It is an accredited health data hosting provider and operator of secure health messaging (MS Santé).

I have a project, how can getting in touch with GRADeS BFC help me?

  • To find out about current regional project offerings;
  • To identify regional and national repositories of interest to me;
  • To technically integrate regional and national IS and repositories;
  • To benefit from feedback on the design of e-health tools;
  • To benefit from cyber-security expertise in the e-health sector;
  • To benefit from support in finding partners at local and territorial level;
  • To benefit from HDS hosting.

At which phase of my project should I get in touch?

As early as the scoping phase (opportunity and feasibility studies).

What is the link between GRADeS BFC and project leaders?

Themes concerned

  • Digital coordination (e-parcourses) and guidance services;
  • Repositories (directories, Répertoire Opérationnel des Ressources) ;
  • Telemedicine and medical imaging;
  • Secure healthcare messaging;
  • Authentication and identitovigilance;
  • Urbanization / Interoperability ;
  • Cybersecurity ;
  • Care Access Service ;
  • Digital EMS ;
  • Bed management ;
  • Archiving and EDM;

Accessible resources

  • ROR;
  • Regional Identity Server ;
  • Regional network;
  • Espace Numérique Régional de Santé (ENRS);

Does it finance projects?


Link with innovators and entrepreneurs / Link with digital technology


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Practical guide

All the questions you need to ask about GRADeS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

Who's the right person to talk to?

  • Head office : 16, rue du Professeur Paul Milleret | 25000 Besançon
    Telephone: 03 81 53 42 69;
  • Site de Chalon-sur-Saône : 1, rue de la Grange Frangy | 71100 Chalon-sur-Saône |
    Telephone : 03 85 48 21 75.

Is there a charge for GRADeS BFC services?

As a Groupement d'Intérêt Public (GIP), our service offering is largely financed, but some services may be chargeable.

Can GRADeS BFC provide individual support for my project?

Your request will be considered on a case-by-case basis within the limits of our capacity to process requests.

16 Rue Professeur Paul Milleret 25000 Besançon