GIP e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire
Type of actor
Institutional player
Fields of intervention
Health / Social care / Social
Intervention zone

What is GIP e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire?
Groupement Régional d'Appui au Développement de l'e-Santé (GRADeS), the e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire public interest group (GIP) is responsible for implementing the regional e-health strategy resulting from the consultation conducted by the Agence régionale de santé (ARS) with its partners on the Commission de coordination des politiques publiques d'e-santé (CCPP e-santé).
- Animation and piloting : It is in an intersectoral approach and a collaborative spirit that the grouping pilots the projects of the regional e-health strategy and those entrusted to it by its members.
- Study and design: Thanks to its proximity to the players involved, GIP e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire ensures the coherent organization of healthcare information systems on a regional scale. Based on business needs and a technology watch, it carries out studies and designs solutions that help match industrial supply with professional demand.
- Training and support: The GIP e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire supports professionals in integrating and appropriating digital tools within their practices, and supports them in setting up new organizations. It trains users and accompanies them in their first uses to enable efficient, long-term use of the solutions implemented.
- Expertise and advice: Providing assistance to e-health players in the region, GIP e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire delivers expertise and advice on technological, legal, regulatory, organizational...
- Support and continuous improvement: The group provides assistance to users and ensures that deployed tools are maintained in operational conditions. It also strives to optimize them, as part of a continuous improvement approach, to guarantee their ongoing relevance and efficiency.
- Development and promotion: The group implements the cooperation and partnerships required to deploy information technologies for e-health. It also works to promote, notably through information and communication, the use of e-health services for the benefit of professionals, establishments, patients and users.
I have a project. How can I get in touch with GIP e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire?
- Access a panel of digital solutions tailored to your needs;
- Be supported in the implementation of your project;
- Benefit from expertise in cybersecurity and local advice in the e-health sector;
- Be part of a network of member professionals.
At what stage of my project should I contact GIP e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire?
From the scoping phase (opportunity and feasibility studies).
Does it finance projects?
Accessible resources
- Espace Numérique Régional de Santé (ENRS).
- ROR (répertoire opérationnel des ressources) ;
- Regional directory of remote expertise services;
- Webinars
- A local team with 8 usage deployment managers, spread across the 6 departments of the Centre-Val de Loire region.
Practical Guide
All the questions you need to ask about GIP e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire
How to contact GIP e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire?
- By email
- By phone : 02 54 70 55 20
Is there a charge for GIP e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire services?
As a Groupement d'Intérêt Public (GIP), our service offering is largely financed, and therefore free of charge for our members. However, some services may be subject to a charge.
Can GIP e-Santé Centre-Val de Loire provide individual support for my project?
Contact us and our team will discuss with you the possibility of tailor-made support.